
#77 Fix/Improve pyvcp spinbox widget

HAL (20)

Don't know if this is a bug or a feature request.

The spinbox widget in PyVCP shows you a number and lets you increase or decrease it by clicking on up/down buttons, or using your mouse scroll wheel. You can also click in the box, and then type numbers. The numbers appear in the box, but the HAL pin does not get updated. You can force an update by clicking the up or down arrows, but not by hitting tab or enter.

The feature request - either allow straightforward entry of a number by typing and then hitting tab or enter, or prohibit typing numbers into the box. (In the latter case we need a different widget for entering a number by typing.)

The bug report - in addition to clicking the up/down buttons or rolling the scroll wheel, you can also change the number (and update HAL) by hitting the up and down arrow keys. But if the PyVCP window is part of Axis, and you are in manual mode, that also causes a jog. Either the widget should completely own the arrow keys when it has focus, or it should never use them, reserving them for jogs.
