
#25 Support for Gantry Axis


A gantry axis is a single Axis that is driven by two
ball screws, each at one side.

This screws have to run synchronously.

The most hobbyists are doing that with coupling them by
a shaft or tooth belt.

The professional way is to do that by software.


  • Martin Kuhnle

    Martin Kuhnle - 2004-11-29
    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Martin Kuhnle

    Martin Kuhnle - 2004-11-29

    Logged In: YES

    using one servo or stepper for each screw.

  • J Stark

    J Stark - 2004-11-30

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    I'm curious about some details of this concept;

    What happens if the screws lose a step or many steps?
    How are the two screws homed?
    How are the screws typically synchronized (espeically at
    startup) to be homed?
    What is the consequence of being out of sync? (Do they rip
    themselves apart, bind, jam, or otherwise get stuck?)
    What does a typical electrical wiring diagram look like, and
    how does it behave? (Limit switches? Can open-loop steppers
    be used? Home switches?) I assume you can't just connect
    the outputs of one PC pulse generator to 2 drives...

  • aketels

    aketels - 2005-02-03

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    The mechanical connection is not only the hobby solution
    but also the professional one. The full "electric" axis
    connection is only possible if a)one axis is allowed to slip
    if the torque produced on the gantry (by mis-alignment)
    exceeds a certain level, or b) an absolute measurement
    system for feedback is used. The slip in option a can be
    mechanical or electrical in the servo drive. Steppers are
    pretty much excluded here.

    In more general terms it is only possible to build a
    succesfull gantry system if one designs both the mechanical
    construction and the drive system in one concept.
    Retrofitting is not so easy.

    In professional sulutions I only see solutions in the drive
    electronics and not in the higher level control like the
    CNC. The conclusion is that this request is not very
    suitable for EMC in my opinion. If you supply some data
    about your configuration I can help with some suggestions.

  • Jarl Stefansson

    Jarl Stefansson - 2006-07-03

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    As a sidenote I am doing this with my config by slaving two
    axis, see dallur-thc sample config in HEAD. It can be done
    without problems, the only tricky bit is the homing which at
    the moment has to be done manually.

  • Jeff Epler

    Jeff Epler - 2006-11-11

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    A "gantry kinematics" module is available here:
    This kinematics simply makes multiple copies of the same
    axis value on multiple joints. This allows the two motors
    on the gantry axis to have their own home and limit
    switches, as well as their own motor offsets. In the GUI,
    the joints can be jogged independently, so if they have
    become misaligned but are still movable under motor power,
    they can be moved into "good enough" alignment by the
    operator before performing the homing operation. (however,
    there are problems with having more joints than axes -- it
    may be necessary to define a dummy "A" axis for a 3-axis
    XXYZ or XYYZ machine, particularly to get access to the 4th
    joint in the GUIs)

    In emc2.1, there is a "homing sequence". When two joints
    are given the same homing sequence number, they will begin
    the homing sequence at the same time--If the joints have the
    same velocity and acceleration settings, they will move in
    unison. However, subsequent steps of the homing sequence
    are not performed in unison, so for instance in the second
    step of homing if one joint takes longer to clear the home
    switch than the other, alignment will be lost. I think that
    some simple modifications of the homing sequence may fix
    this. I assume that the homing type being used is the
    second type (4 moves) or maybe the fourth type (4 moves, to
    index pulse), and that the home switch locations for the
    first and third moves are dependable enough.

    The first move is the same as now. The beginning of the
    second move is delayed until both of the joints have reached
    the home switch. If the joints were already in a position
    that allows them to move, they will move together and stay
    in the same relative alignment +- following error during
    this time, but at the end of the move alignment will be
    improved because they each stopped on reaching the joint
    home switch.

    The second move continues until both of the joints have left
    the home switch. As before, they will stay in the same
    relative alignment +- following error, and stop at the same

    Like the first move, the third move ends when each joint
    reaches its switch, and the fourth step begins when both
    have reached their switches.

    The fourth move is exactly as now.

    If you are interested in gantry systems, please comment on
    this proposal. It may be possible to implement these homing
    features in time for EMC version 2.1, but that depends on
    the reaction from those familiar with such systems. I'd
    prefer to do such discussions on the emc-developers list (or
    on the developers channel) but followups to this bug are
    fine too.

  • Fenn Lipkowitz

    Fenn Lipkowitz - 2007-09-09

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    Originator: NO

    this still needs some minimal amount of documentation. users shouldnt have to dig around in the sample config files to understand how the module is supposed to work. also, it's not clear to me whether in 2.2.x one should use A as the twin axis or something else. has homing been tested on a real machine yet? what is sim-xyyz.hal for?

  • n_rogue

    n_rogue - 2008-02-05

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    Originator: NO

    Has this actually been tested? in reality, not just simulation?

    Also, can this be combined with '5axiskins'?
    Large 5 axes gantrys exist. 6 motors. XYZ BC U (and a virtual W, as in 5axiskins.