Gene Heskett - 2014-10-20

On Monday 20 October 2014 12:40:29 Sebastian Kuzminsky did opine
And Gene did reply:

[bugs:#396] unify homing state diagrams

Status: open
Group: future-release
Created: Mon Oct 20, 2014 04:40 PM UTC by Sebastian Kuzminsky
Last Updated: Mon Oct 20, 2014 04:40 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

We currently have two different copies of the homing state diagram (in
master 9f04c26d):


Someone should make them into one diagram that's correct & complete.

I would also like to ask for better definitions in the accompanying text,
such as "HOME_OFFSET, that distance from the switch to 0.000"

And a new or renamed "FINAL_PARK, the offset from either an 0.000 home, or
from the switch", but in either case it needs to be specified. The
coupling, even when trying to read the existing text, and the function of
the varname in the .ini file seems (at least to me) to leave a confusing
level of ambiguity.

Any help in that category would sure be appreciated.

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Cheers, Gene Heskett

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Archived Bugs: #396