
#60 X-MailRelay-Content: unknown

v1.0 (example)
Tom Miller

I've noticed that the envelope file states X-MailRelay-Content: unknown with the current version while an older version we're using states 7bit.

I don't know if it's intended. The Mails I sent via the relay seem to be correct.


  • Graeme Walker

    Graeme Walker - 2024-06-24

    Yes, that is intended behaviour. Version 2.5 has this in the change log:

    • No 7-bit/8-bit check on received message content (see NEWS file).

    And in the 2.5 NEWS file:

    Previous versions of E-MailRelay test message content when a message is received
    and populate the "Content" field of the envelope file as either "7bit" or
    "8bit". However, the SMTP client code has always largely ignored this field and
    it would attempt to forward 8-bit messages to a remote server that did not
    advertise 8BITMIME, albeit with a warning in the log.

    In this release E-MailRelay no longer tests messages for eight-bit content,
    so the envelope "Content" field will always be "8bit". If this is not the
    desired behaviour then a filter script should be used to test for seven-bit or
    eight-bit content and edit the "Content" value in the envelope file accordingly.

    If necessary the SMTP client can now be made to behave more strictly so that it
    does not try to forward eight-bit messages to seven-bit servers (see

    Testing for 7-bit content was a significant performance penalty and only relevant if forwarding to a 7-bit-only server. Hopefully there are none of those left in the wild.

  • Tom Miller

    Tom Miller - 2024-06-25

    Classic case of RTFM.

    However, thank you for this great product!

  • Graeme Walker

    Graeme Walker - 2024-09-18
    • status: open --> closed

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