eLynx SDK v3.0.2 - C++ Image processing toolkit.
Release contains:
- eLynxSDK-v3.0.2-VS2005.zip the SDK runtime & samples for Visual Studio 2005
- eLynxSDK-v3.0.2-VS2008.zip the SDK runtime & samples for Visual Studio 2008
- eLynxSDK-v3.0.2.chm the SDK documentation & API reference
Online API reference: http://elynxsdk.free.fr/API/html/
eLynx Lab home page: http://elynxlab.free.fr/en/
eLynx Lab user guide: http://elynxlab.free.fr/userGuide/
More documentation and samples:
- Loading and saving images
- Creating image with the image factory
- Coding my own filter: pixelation
- Working in CIE Lab color space
- Converting Bayer image to RGB
- Processing raw image files
Code sample to read, process and save a raw camera file:
void processRaw()
cout << "Convert a raw image to jpg" << endl;
cout << ".load NIKON-D70-v2.00.NEF" << endl;
ImageVariant image("../../datas/NIKON-D70-v2.00.NEF");
if (!image.IsBayer()) return;
cout << "." << (image.IsValid() ? "VALID" : "INVALID")
<< ", format " << elxToString( image.GetPixelFormat() )
<< ", size " << image.GetWidth() << "x" << image.GetHeight() << "-"
<< image.GetBitsPerPixel() << "bits"
<< ", Bayer " << elxToString( image.GetBayerMatrix() )
<< endl;
cout << ".normalize to have full range" << endl;
cout << ".convert from Bayer to RGB" << endl;
cout << ".adjust white balance" << endl;
image.Balance(3.23, 1.45, 2.28);
cout << ".adjust gamma" << endl;
cout << ".apply Gaussian blur before sharpening" << endl;
cout << ".apply sharpen" << endl;
cout << ".change resolution to UINT8 before saving" << endl;
const uint32 quality = 70;
cout << ".save as output/fromRaw.jpg with compression quality at " << quality << "%" << endl;
ImageFileOptions options;
image.Save("output/fromRaw.jpg", ProgressNotifier_NULL, &options);