
ElrSim / News: Recent posts

erlSim 1.0 Release Candidate 1 now available

erlSim, a massively parallel discrete event simulation engine, is now available. erlSim takes advantage of the erlang languages parallelism for simultaneous simulation events without you needing to worry about parallelism issues such as race conditions and cross locking. If you need a simulation engine this one is easy to use and fast.

Posted by Lee 2008-11-26

erlSim now available

erlSim, a multi-process discrete event simulator is now available for download. Included in the zip file is the simulation engine, a testing harness for it, several random distributions and test harnesses for those distributions that have been tested.

The distributions in this beta release have not all been tested but I wanted to get this out and available as soon as I possibly could.

Posted by Lee 2008-09-05