
Elowel: Blogging Community Engine / News: Recent posts

Elowel v2

To anyone out there still monitoring the project, thanks for your support, I know it's been a while since it was updated.

This week we began laying the groundwork for Elowel v2, no release date scheduled yet but we have several new features planned. Automatic updates and plugin downloads from, secure inter-community user and content sharing, and theme-conscious search are just a few of the exciting features slated for this release along with an extensive UI revamp. We're looking forward to creating the most powerful blogging software ever conceived empowering communities all over the world to come together and share their stories.

Posted by Paul Wells 2005-08-19


Sorry, we have not had much in the way of releases or news or anything for quite some time. But with school and struff, well, you know how it is.

Anyhow, we do have some neat stuff going on. Thanks to a lot of work by Max, we have some neat AJAX login stuff and a neat little AJAX feature for the recent update list. We need to batten down the hatches on this a little more before we release, but expect it soon. I think we will do one more small release, with the AJAX and password change stuff before v2, which will probably be finished this summer.

Posted by byrc 2005-05-24

Bugfix with Bonus Feature

Today we put out Elowel: Blogging Community Engine v1b.

This release consists of the repair of a minor (but fatal) bug making it impossible the Database.

We've also added support for posting via xml-rpc utilizing the venerable BloggerAPI, this feature is available at

Posted by MaxPa 2005-02-06


Sorry for the lack o' activity recently, we have been busy with other obligations on and with school. But we are back at it, and we are planning on having a release here by Sunday. This will include two major things, the first is a bugfix that was making it so unless you were using a certain db user and pass set up, it would not connect, and the second is a new feature! This feature is xml-rpc support with the bloggerAPI. So expect a release around Sunday!... read more

Posted by byrc 2005-02-03

Elowel: Blogging Community Engine v1 Released

Today was the on-schedual release of Elowel: Blogging Community Engine version 1. It presents an improvement in software architecture that greatly increases the overall compactness of the previous unreleased iterations of the engine.

We hope to see very few bugs in this release but encourage posting to our support, feature request and bug trackers in addition to sending email to

To see a live version of this software, please visit

Posted by MaxPa 2005-01-11


Alright, we have two screenshots up, both showing the install system that Paul and I coded today. If you want to see elowel in action before it is released, check out

Posted by byrc 2005-01-02

Upcoming Release

Elowel v1 is currently slated for release January 10th 2005. It will feature customizable user templates, premade template capabilities, rss feeds for all users, sub domains for all users, user avatars and quotes, and a centralized codebase.

Posted by MaxPa 2004-12-24