
Is there a bug in genppt when mapping the k points to the first Brillouin zone

  • Youzhao Lan

    Youzhao Lan - 2024-06-22

    Dear all,
    I tried to modify the first parameter of genppt subroutine from .false. to .true. for mapping the k points to the first Brillouin zone.
    When I ran task 125 using the elk 9.6.8 and elk 8.8.26, I met the following error:

    Info(nonlinopt):     22 of     27 k-points
    Error(findkpt): equivalent k-point not in set
    Info(nonlinopt):      2 of     27 k-points
     Requested k-point :  -0.3333333333     -0.3333333333     -0.6666666667
    Info(nonlinopt):      9 of     27 k-points

    and when using the elk 7.1.14, it works fine. file is attached.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Best regards.
    Youzhao Lan

  • J. K. Dewhurst

    J. K. Dewhurst - 2024-08-16

    Hi Youzhao,

    If you modify the code it can behave in unexpected ways. For example, some routines expect the k-point set to be on the [0,1) interval instead of in the first Brillouin zone.



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