Eike Schwier - 2018-09-17

Hi everybody,

I am currently diving into the implementation of phonons in elk and I would like to ask if anybdody could point me to a good source for understanding the output of task 230 in PHONON.OUT

     5  0.2000000000       0.000000000       0.000000000     : q-point, vqlwrt

     1  0.4341691353E-03 : mode, frequency
   1   1   1 -0.4082482905       0.000000000     : species, atom, polarisation, eigenvector
   1   1   2 -0.4082482905       0.000000000    
   1   1   3 -0.8164965809       0.000000000    

I had a look at the CECAM lecture from Kay and some basic textbooks on phonons, and I could get some inkling of the meaning of "mode", "polariation" and "eigenvector", but since my goal is to write a procedure to extract the symetry informations from the different branches (similar but not quite like the IREPS option in phonopy) I would prefer to have a proper understanding from basics (currently reading Ziman) to implementation in elk and would be happy if I did not have to go through the fortran code and piece things together. So if anybody could help me with the latter, that would be very much apprecheated.
