
Improve the quality of the FS (task 102)

Elk Users
  • Lizard

    Lizard - 2017-10-11

    Hi all,

    I did scf calculation on 10x10x10 mesh, but I would like to generate FS on much more denser k-point set. After SCF I ran one self-consistent loop (set maxscl to 1 and tasks to 1) with a larger k-point set, but FS is generated on 10^3 mesh (taks 102). Is there any other way to increase the number of k-point after one loop? What is the max number of K-point that one can be used?


  • Lars Nordström

    Lars Nordström - 2017-10-11

    Dear Lizard,
    I do not understand, task 102 should use your given k-point mesh. How does your file look like? There is no limit of number of k-points what I am aware of, only those dictated by available time and memory ...
    Best wishes /Lars

  • Lizard

    Lizard - 2017-10-11

    Dear Lars,

    After scf calculation on mesh 21^3, I changed tasks


    and added


    then I change

     33 33 33

    Then, after 2 scf I get in INFO.OUT

    Total number of atoms per unit cell :    2
    Spin treatment :
    Number of Bravais lattice symmetries :   48
    Number of crystal symmetries         :   48
    Crystal has inversion symmetry
    Real symmetric eigensolver will be used
    k-point grid :     33    33    33
    k-point offset :   0.5000000000      0.5000000000      0.5000000000
    k-point set is reduced with full crystal symmetry group
    Total number of k-points :     3281
    Muffin-tin radius times maximum |G+k| :    9.000000000
     using average radius
    Maximum |G+k| for APW functions       :    3.461538462
    Maximum (1/2)|G+k|^2                  :    5.991124260
    Maximum |G| for potential and density :    24.00000000
    Constant for pseudocharge density :   16
    Radial integration step length :    4
    G-vector grid sizes :     64    64    64
    Number of G-vectors :    92217
    | Loop number :    2 |
    Reached self-consistent loops maximum
    Energies :
     Fermi                       :     0.273279555693
     sum of eigenvalues          :     -5923.50019274
     electron kinetic            :      10334.3776926
     core electron kinetic       :      10129.9734098
     Coulomb                     :     -19923.3064971
     Coulomb potential           :     -15892.0217717
     nuclear-nuclear             :     -844.353641376
     electron-nuclear            :     -22265.8839397
     Hartree                     :      3186.93108402
     Madelung                    :     -11977.2956112
     xc potential                :     -365.856113663
     exchange                    :     -275.787902496
     correlation                 :     -4.73159785184
     electron entropic           :    -0.265789444102E-04
     total energy                :     -9869.44833140
    Density of states at Fermi energy :    8.220376897
     (states/Hartree/unit cell)
    Estimated indirect band gap :   0.9413990180E-04
     from k-point   1027 to k-point    579
    Estimated direct band gap   :   0.2010689840E-02
     at k-point   1026
    Charges :
     core                        :    64.00000000
     valence                     :    26.00000000
     interstitial                :    4.011900266
     muffin-tins (core leakage)
      species :    1 (Zn)
       atom    1                 :    49.23009223     (  0.8015955301E-03)
      species :    2 (La)
       atom    1                 :    36.75800750     (  0.8929363570E-05)
     total in muffin-tins        :    85.98809973
     total calculated charge     :    89.99894505
     total charge                :    90.00000000
     error                       :   0.1054950480E-02
    | Self-consistent loop stopped |
    Wrote STATE.OUT
    Timings (CPU seconds) :
     initialisation                        :       275.91
     Hamiltonian and overlap matrix set up :      6762.60
     first-variational eigenvalue equation :      1389.72
     charge density calculation            :   -211322.72
     potential calculation                 :        14.29
     total                                 :   -202880.21
    | Elk version 4.3.06 stopped |

    Hovewer, FERMISURFACE.bxfs is still created on mesh: 21 21 21
    0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
    0.5394967580 0.5394967580 -0.5394967580
    0.5394967580 -0.5394967580 0.5394967580
    -0.5394967580 0.5394967580 0.5394967580
    using 1027 to k-point from scf calculations.



    Last edit: Lizard 2017-10-11
  • Lars Nordström

    Lars Nordström - 2017-10-11

    OK, it is still unclear when you say "I change ... and I add ...".
    What is the final file and are you sure that a new FERMISURFACE.bxfs was created?

    Are you aware that if you have a STATE.OUT and EFERMI.OUT from a scf run, you can calculate just task 102 with whatever k-mesh you like?

    Best /Lars

  • Lizard

    Lizard - 2017-10-11

    scf calculation:

     21 21 21

    The quality of FS is poor, so after scf calculation I modificated in the same folder

     33 33 33

    and run elk. Both FERMISURFACE.bxfs files have the same number of lines, the mesh 21 21 21 is also the same, however the values inside are different.

  • Lars Nordström

    Lars Nordström - 2017-10-11

    Dear Lizard!

    Sorry I remembered wrong:
    For task 102 the k-mesh is set up by np3d not ngridk.
    You set it up through plot3d (see manual and the Fe-FS example).
    If you do not give a mesh, the deafult np3d mesh is 20,20,20 which corresponds to a 21,21,21 mesh for the output to xcrysdens (well, an old bug in xcrysdens which is now a feature ..).

    Good luck /Lars

  • Lizard

    Lizard - 2017-10-13

    Dear Lars,

    Thank you very much!! You have saved my life :)

    Thank you also for a such great software.

    with regards


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