
bootstrap kernel

Elk Users
  • luca

    luca - 2017-04-03

    Dear Developers,

    Is it possible to perform non-linear optics (NLO) calculation using the bootstrap kernel ?
    If yes, how should the tasks look like ?

    So far i am non successfull in telling the code to run the NLO with bootstrap kernel.

    Is it possible to include the BSE kernel into NLO ?


  • Sangeeta Sharma

    Sangeeta Sharma - 2017-04-03

    Hi Luca,

    The answer to both is no. You cannot do NLO with bootstrap or BSE.


  • luca

    luca - 2017-04-03

    Dear Sangeeta,

    That would mean NLO without excitonic effects is totally unreliable.



    Last edit: luca 2017-04-03
  • Sangeeta Sharma

    Sangeeta Sharma - 2017-04-03

    If you are looking at a materials with strong excitonic physics then yes this is true. The NLO will be not good in the low energy region. The only way to find out is to look at the approximate contribution to the NLO from excitonic effects. This you can do by calculating LO with boostrap/BSE at \omega and 2\omega and adding them together.

    Such kind of work/analysis was done by J. Sipe in his old papers. You can have a look at some of the references.

  • luca

    luca - 2017-04-03

    Is it possible to do RT-GW-BSE for the second harmonic generation?


    Last edit: luca 2017-04-03
  • Sangeeta Sharma

    Sangeeta Sharma - 2017-04-03

    As I said in my reply before NLO (including SHG) cannot be done with BSE.


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