
Moment control without field

Elk Users
  • Andrew Shyichuk

    Andrew Shyichuk - 2021-03-11

    Dear Users,

    I am trying to achive a high-spin state in a calculation without the control filed.
    I assume the field might introduce artifacts and thus I am checking out other options.

    For the sake of comparison, I do that on a geometry which has been optimized with the field (with high spin), and in which the magnetization has a distinct localization spot.
    The number of unpaired electrons is 1.

    So far, I've got an oscillating moment situation - as the calculation reaches convergence, the moment goes up, and then goes down. Sometimes it goes down, changes sign, goes up, repeat.

    To make it go up again, I start the calculation from the last STATE.OUT and increase rgkmax a bit.
    The moment yet again goes up, but then, at RMS in potential of about 0.1e-4, it goes down.

    I assume that if I increase rgkmax every few SCF loops, and maybe even by a variable increment, the calculation might end up in the state I want it to end up.

    The question: where in the code do I have to insert the lines to increase rgkmax?
    Also, I would need to reallocate arrays that will change size due to the increase. Is there a subroutine that does it and can be called?
    Is it simpler to just automate it outside elk?

    Thank you.

  • Andrew Shyichuk

    Andrew Shyichuk - 2021-03-18

    UPD. The described method works, although not perfectly. I will stick to manual restarts for not.

  • Andrew Shyichuk

    Andrew Shyichuk - 2021-09-29

    Dear Users,

    I've achieved my goal of the field-free magnetization.
    The answer was to reduce swidth.

    I have the following questions now:
    1. Can I interpret my odd-electron non-magnetized system (majority spin density ~= minority spin density) as a paramagnetic state? After all, it's not just one cell with just one electron - the cell represents an infinite continuum of cells. A half of the "unpaired" electrons can be up, and another half can be down. Am I wrong?
    2. Lets say I make a series of calculations with the different values of swidth, and then interpret swidth as temperature. Do I get a Curie temperature this way?
    3. Without the field, in the unmagnetized system, the up-DOS and down-DOS are basically the same. With the field, or with the self-magnetization (small swidth), the occupied eigenvalue (band) in the up-DOS shifts down in energies (slightly), while the corresponding virtual eigenvalue (empty band) in the down-DOS shifts up in energies (noticeably). With the field, the shift is reasonable: electrons with the spins pointing along the field should have energies different from the electrons with the spins pointing against the field. Why does this happen in the self-induced magnetization case? The system's own field does the shift?

    Thank you.


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