
Partial occupancy allowed in orbitals?

Elk Users
Rob N
  • Rob N

    Rob N - 2014-10-06

    I'm interested in looking at how the unoccupied site projected DOS is affect by inclusion of core-hole effects (removing one electron) and was curious if the partial occupancies are possible to check partial screening of said core-hole. Could I have say 1S_1.5? so there are 1.5 electrons in the 1S orbital? If so, should the half electron be added to a valence/conduction band?

    How is this best dealt with in Elk? I found a paper discussing this in WIEN, but would prefer to use elk.

    I appreciate any help/suggestions in regard to this.


  • Sangeeta Sharma

    Sangeeta Sharma - 2014-10-07

    Partial occupations are allowed. If you reduce the occupation of 1s orbital by 0.5 electrons you can put this 0.5 electron in higher orbitals in the file. during selfconsistant loops the charge will get redistributed in an optimal way.


    Last edit: Sangeeta Sharma 2014-10-07
  • Rob N

    Rob N - 2014-10-07

    Thank you Dr. Sharma.


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