
Elizatalk for LICQ Autoreply 1.0+ / News: Recent posts

Elizatalk has been ported to Windows

Since there wasn't much changing on the original project Riven had the great idea to let windooze users also enjoy this great AI thingie and ported Elizatalk for use with it's icq autoresponder/bot for windooze wich can be found here:

Posted by Robin Roevens 2000-12-29

Elizatalk 0.4 is out

A new release of Elizatalk. Not much is changed. Now there is a delay option wich allows to set a delay to Eliza before replying to a message. Also the Makefile is a bit optimized. You can now use make install and make uninstall to install and uninstall Elizatalk instead of doing so manualy. The binary release now includes an install and uninstall script.

Posted by Robin Roevens 2000-10-24

Elizatalk 0.3 binary now available

For all those people who don't have compilation tools installed on their linuxbox: Finaly the Elizatalk 0.3 binary is out! But I have to say that there is a problem with the binary release: since you have to configure the program before compilation there are no configuration options available in the binary release. I will work on that. Meanwhile you will have to do it with this.

Posted by Robin Roevens 2000-09-06

Elizatalk homepage went online

The freshly made homepage of Elizatalk is up with information and news about the project, dialog snapshots of elizatalk found in my history files, contact information, a download area. And much more:

Posted by Robin Roevens 2000-09-01

Elizatalk 0.3 - First public release

Today, this Sourceforge project is started and the first public release of Elizatalk is out. From now on you can let your LICQ talk to all your friends interactively without you have to be present. You can tell anyone sending you pr0n adds to fuck off. etc... Elizatalk is a program coded and designed to use as talkback program for the autoreply plugin v1.0+ of Licq. This program uses the splotch.c for the Artificial Intelligent Eliza. You can download it here at sourceforge.

Posted by Robin Roevens 2000-08-31