- priority: 5 --> 1
It will be great if you add some new feature - the
order of execute. Each user can have its own order.
Some items can depends of other ones. Some ones can be
executed parallel with others. The developer and
responsible should know the order of handling items.
Responsible can change this order.
We have
item1 - pri1
item2 - pri2
item3 - pri3
item4 - pri4
Suppose I want item4 will be done right after item1. If
I simply change its priority I just get the next order:
item1 - pri1
item2 - pri2
item4 - pri2
item3 - pri4
But I need to have:
item1 - pri1
item4 - pri2
item2 - pri3
item3 - pri4
in other words: If I change the priority I need auto
recalculate the priority of other items. But some items
can have same priority.