- labels: --> Installation
- assigned_to: nobody --> adrozdov2005
Trying to get Elips working on
http://www.byteworksinc.com/Elips/. It was working
fine and I was able to create, publish and assign a
dozen issues. Now, I get a SQL error when I try to add
new issues. I'm going to blow them all away and see if
I still get the problem (Delete works fine).
java.lang.Exception: Issue.java : update
impossible:java.sql.SQLException: null, message from
server: "Unknown column 'modi' in 'where clause'"
UPDATE issue SET priority=-1, modifiedOn="2006-07-22",
sender="SUP", emissionDate="2006-07-22",
senderDepartment="1", modifier="SUP", actors="#SUP#",
domain=2, subSystem=4, label="Enable ""Listing of
Property"" Notification Emails", patch=3900,
status=400, standByState=-1, reproductibility=-1,
filledBy="SUP", filledDate="2006-07-22", subType=-1,
nature=-1, type=602, severity=-1, environment=2504,
projectId=1, origin=2, versionPf="", effectiveTime="",
estimatedTime="", versionApp="", assignedTo="",
description="When prop is listed, unique URL and ?Bid
Now? graphic to listing acct email", reproduction="",
extraInfo="", processedAction="", plannedVersion="",
attachedFile1="", attachedFile2="", attachedFile3="",
attachedFile4="", attachedFile5="", history="-
Publication (22/07/2006, Supervisor Role)
- Submission (22/07/2006, Supervisor Role)",
verboseHistory="- Publication (22/07/2006, Supervisor Role)
- Submission (22/07/2006, Supervisor Role)",
assignmentHistory="", deliveryRemark="",
domainChangeRemark="", refusedRemark="",
storingRemark="", republicationRemark="",
standByQualifier="", dialog="", msgAuthor="",
wishedDate=null, plannedBeginDate=null,
realBeginDate=null, plannedEndDate=null,
realEndDate=null, deliveryDate=null, storingDate=null,
modint=2 WHERE id=14 AND modint=1