
eligante, archivator de messages / News: Recent posts

New in this version

[en] Version 0.3 of eligante works in Windows, too. An internal small HTTP server has been created for those who don't want to install Apache.
SQLite has been added as an option (MySQL is still there).

[ia] Le version 0.3 de eligante functiona etiam in Windows. Un servitor HTTP interne esseva addite pro illes qui non vole installar Apache.
SQLlite esseva addite como option (MySQL es ancora presente).

Posted by Alberto Mardegan 2005-12-17

Notice for english speakers

The webpage and other content is written in interlingua ( a natural language mostly based on English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French.
I chose to publish the project using interlingua for two reasons. The first, obvious, is to show a possible use of this beautiful language; the other is that I'm really convinced it can be helpful to enlarge the user base of a project.
English speakers should be able, provided that they want to make the effort, to understand written interlingua fairly well.... read more

Posted by Alberto Mardegan 2005-11-12