
Converting .raw file to .dss file via GIC harm

Hy Luu
  • Hy Luu

    Hy Luu - 2019-09-16

    Does anyone have experience using GIC harm? I am trying to convert a PSS/E .raw file into a .dss file with the converter tool in GIC harm, but it crashes with an error. What could be the issue?

  • Andres Ovalle

    Andres Ovalle - 2019-09-16


    You're working with a pre-release version of GICharm. That version will be updated soon. The new version has an improved converter that I think will solve the issue you’re experiencing now.

    I’ll reply again once the new release becomes available for download.

    The issue you're experiencing is related to the PSS/E RAW file version you're using (Is it version 34?). Does your RAW fiel include headers for each gropup of elements? (Some lines starting with "!@" )



    • Hy Luu

      Hy Luu - 2019-09-16

      Hi Andres,

      Yes, it is version 34 (and some lines start with "!@"). I tried using a raw file from PSSE version 33, but it crashes immediately when loading the raw file into the converter tool. Using the PSSE 34 version, GIC harm is able to recognize all of the circuit elements when I load in the raw file, but it's unable to convert them into .dss file.

      When should I expect for the new version of GICharm to be released?

      Thank you,
      Hy Luu

      From: Andres Ovalle
      Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 12:26 PM
      To: [electricdss:discussion]
      Subject: [electricdss:discussion] Converting .raw file to .dss file via GIC harm


      You're working with a pre-release version of GICharm. That version will be updated soon. The new version has an improved converter that I think will solve the issue you’re experiencing now.

      I’ll reply again once the new release becomes available for download.

      The issue you're experiencing is related to the PSS/E RAW file version you're using (Is it version 34?). Does your RAW fiel include headers for each gropup of elements? (Some lines starting with "!@" )



      Converting .raw file to .dss file via GIC harm

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  • Hy Luu

    Hy Luu - 2019-09-16

    Hi Andres,

    Yes, it is version 34 (and some lines start with "!@"). I tried using a raw file from PSSE version 33, but it crashes immediately when loading the raw file into the converter tool. Using the PSSE 34 version, GIC harm is able to recognize all of the circuit elements when I load in the raw file, but it's unable to convert them into .dss file.

    When should I expect for the new version of GICharm to be released?

    Thank you,
    Hy Luu

  • Andres Ovalle

    Andres Ovalle - 2019-09-16

    Hi Hy,

    I do not have a exact date to give you but I know it will be sometime within the next 30 days. I will reply to your message again to let you know once it's avaiable. Out of curiosity, what element groups (generators, buses, branches, transformers.. ) does your raw file have? Are you using a PSS/E gic file as well?

    Best regards,


  • Hy Luu

    Hy Luu - 2019-09-16

    "# -------------- These are the types of elements found in the raw file ------------------ #


    I'm not using GIC files right now.

    Thank you,
    Hy Luu

  • Andres Ovalle

    Andres Ovalle - 2019-09-16

    Thanks Hy,

    The upcomming pre-release version should work properly with the listed elements. Again, I'll let you know once it's avaialble. In the meantime, if you want I can take a look at your RAW file and test it with the current version of the converter.

    Please let me know what works best for you,

    Best regards,


  • Hy Luu

    Hy Luu - 2019-09-18

    The .raw file we're using that makes the tool crash cannot be shared. Instead I have attached another .raw file we're testing. When I use the tool on this .raw file, it doesn't crash, but it seems like there are some warnings. Will you take a look?

    Thank you,
    Hy Luu

  • Andres Ovalle

    Andres Ovalle - 2019-09-20

    Hi Hy,

    Just checked your raw file with the most recent version of the converter. The converted files are atached. Here is a screenshot of the converter GUI with your file. This set of files can be used with OpenDSS. Just a reminder, for the converted files to be usable in GICharm you need to load the gic file.

    Please let me know if you have questions.




    Last edit: Andres Ovalle 2019-10-04
    • Hy Luu

      Hy Luu - 2019-10-03

      Thanks for your help Andres. Has a new version of GIC Harm been released?

      Hy Luu

  • Andres Ovalle

    Andres Ovalle - 2019-11-02

    Hi Hy,

    The new version of GICharm has been relesed. You'll be able to get it from the same link you used to get the previous version or by looking for it throught EPRI's website (




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