
OpenDSS Training Course at UCF

  • Roger Dugan

    Roger Dugan - 2018-07-11

    Workshop on Advanced Distribution System Modeling and Analysis Using OpenDSS Version 8

    Location: Research 1 Bldg, Room 101/101A, at University of Central Florida, July 26 and 27, 2018.
    Address: 4353 Scorpius St., Orlando, FL 32816-0120
    Sponsors: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and University of Central Florida

    EPRI has made several enhancements to its Open-source Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) program in 2018. In particular, Version 8 is the first release to support parallel processing and the new graphical user interface, OpenDSS-G. UCF has been one of the leading institutions in utilizing some of the more advanced features of OpenDSS and EPRI has chosen UCF as the venue for introducing these features to the academic community and the power industry in general.

    OpenDSS is a comprehensive electrical system simulation tool with special features for multiphase electric utility distribution systems analysis. It is EPRI’s main tool for research into distribution system analysis. The program supports all rms steady-state (i.e., frequency-domain) analyses commonly performed for utility distribution systems. In addition, it supports many new types of analyses that are designed to meet future needs, many of which are being dictated by the grid modernization efforts of US utilities and other electric power distribution companies worldwide. Many of the features found in the program were originally intended to support analysis of distributed generation on distribution systems. Other features support analysis of power delivery energy efficiency, solar photovoltaic generation, and harmonics analysis.

    OpenDSS is designed to be indefinitely expandable so that it can be easily modified to meet future needs.
    The new parallel processing features make a significant speed-up possible for the popular quasi-static time series analysis used for analyzing distributed energy resource (DER) issues in distribution planning. It also enables faster solution of large systems by exploiting the A-Diakoptics method of tearing the network into smaller pieces. Many users will find the OpenDSS-G version easier to use than the standard scripting method,

    This Workshop is highly recommended for electric power engineering students and utility power distribution engineers and planners. The OpenDSS solution engine be driven from a variety of software platforms favored by students such as MATLAB and Python, making the program particularly useful for graduate research.

    There is no charge for this Workshop, but space is limited. Please visit the following Doodle page to reserve your spot.

    Instructors: Roger Dugan and Davis Montenegro

  • Roger Dugan

    Roger Dugan - 2018-07-11

    The Agenda for the OpenDSS Workshop at UCF is attached.

  • Roger Dugan

    Roger Dugan - 2018-07-14

    If you were looking for an excuse to go to Orlando this summer, this is a good reason.

  • Sophia Tijani

    Sophia Tijani - 2018-07-14

    Any plans of coming to Texas?

  • Roger Dugan

    Roger Dugan - 2018-07-16

    Not this year. We had one at A&M last year. Next one on the books is NCSU in early Fall.

  • Paddysomnang

    Paddysomnang - 2018-07-18

    If I am not able to go to University of Central Florida, is there any way that i can join the workshop?
    since I am not living in USA, I really want to know is there any online option for student outside of USA.


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