
Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 1 released

Here is the first beta release of the final 1.0 version of Mines of Elderlore.

This version is released for feedback and debugging. Please read the 'readme.txt' file inside the folder of the game for more details about the game.

What's new with 1.0:
- new key 'h', 'F2', 'F3' and 'F4' for in-game help
- frenzy and berzerk player state
- bumping in a wall, displaying inventory or hitting a wrong key does not cost a round anymore
- you can charge with swords
- you can push and knock with warhammers
- you can whirlwind with axes
- chaining monsters with special attacks increases damage and xp
- if wounded, a monster is healed when eating a mushroom; if at full HP, it gains a level
- player keeps memory of visited dungeons by ancestors
- a movie of every finished game is recorded in the 'movie' folder; to play it back, type "python movies/" in shell, or "moe.exe movies/" under Windows command line
- a morgue file is created for each different dungeon, filled with records from dead players

Posted by Altefcat 2008-02-26

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