
GNU GPL DMCA Violation? - Enchanted Keyfinder

Currently Enchanted Keyfinder, which is a fork of Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder, is under attack with a "DMCA counternotification".

On February 8th, 2011 an email was received stating:
"After taking down Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder from sourceforge few months ago it is now again available:

As owner of MJB KeyFinder project I request removal of this project from sourceforge, according to GPL it is owner's choice to decide whether to leave it open-source or not."

End of email.

I am the guy who forked the project. I downloaded the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder sources when they were licensed under GNU GPL (I still have them) before the project was sold and close-sourced. I created a fork and re-released a new project also based on the GNU GPL v3 license.

I'd like everyone's opinion on this: Am I still within my right as a FOSS developer? I mean LibreOffice forked from Open Office and Icinga forked from Nagios. I need help spreading the word about this so please help me.

How is this a DMCA violation? This project is not the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder, it is the Enchanted Keyfinder.

Posted by Sam Gleske 2011-02-09

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