
EJB Source Generator / News: Recent posts

EJBGen 1.0.5 : Optional key and unique ID generation

EJBGen 1.0.5 has been released. This is a fairly major code release. It addresses a potential issue regarding the way in which bean relationships are managed by EJB containers and allows the developer to generate the code that might be most appropriate.

Posted by Nick Sharples 2001-04-19

EJBGen 1.0.4 : Support for default property values

The 1.0.4 release of EJBGen now allows default values to be specified for entity bean properties. The developer can now either specify an expression that can be applied to the property by default, or leave EJBGen to make a best assumption as to the default value that should be applied. These change means that null-pointer exceptions are more often avoided as null values must be explicitly declared.... read more

Posted by Nick Sharples 2001-04-16

Ant task definition now in 1.0.3

Release 1.0.3 of EJBGen is now callable from Ant using a new Ant Task definition:

Posted by Nick Sharples 2001-04-12