
EJBCA 3.6.1 released

This is a minor release with a few new features, from EJBCA 3.5.6, and some minor fixes.
Apart form the fixes from EJBCA 3.5.6 now hides the password the user enters and
an index collision in is fixed. Also an error when enrolling with approvals
activated was fixed.

Read the changelog for details.

This is a plug-in upgrade from 3.6.x. See UPGRADE for the simple instructions.

3.6.1, 2008-05-02
* [ECA-554] - nCipherHSM asks for password which is shown in plain text

* [ECA-771] - Update french translation

* [ECA-540] - Exception if you try to issue a certificate from public web with a CA that is offline
* [ECA-779] - Cannot enroll with end entities created with CAs with approval setting active
* [ECA-780] - Index collision in

3.5.6, 2008-05-02
New Feature
* [ECA-768] - Create mechanism for Health Check to report nodes as Down for maintenance
* [ECA-769] - Activation Page. Create an easy access page for activating many CA's. The current function in the admin-GUI requires a lot of clicking to activate many CA's. Combine with one page access to configure monitoring of CA's

* [ECA-756] - CRLUpdateWorkers may run in same vm in parallel if too slow
* [ECA-773] - Add distingushable string to health check return to know which test failed
* [ECA-774] - Make CRL generation be in one transaction for each CA
* [ECA-775] - Introduce a random add-on to the service interval
* [ECA-778] - change genTokenCertificates WS call behaivor to not temporary revoke ceritificates for MS logon
* [ECA-784] - Improve lunahsm shell script

* [ECA-743] - GenerateToken And ViewHardTokenData approvalIds was not calculated correctly
* [ECA-744] - Wrong DN was used in non-admin generate spacecard pages.
* [ECA-751] - DemoCertReqServlet gets reference to old template file
* [ECA-753] - CMP only working with DEBUG log enabled
* [ECA-755] - Listing log entries does not show the latest when limiting on too many rows
* [ECA-763] - Listing end entities query displays wrong values
* [ECA-764] - Under some circumstances two CRLs with the same CRLNumber is stored in the db
* [ECA-772] - External OCSP publisher does not work on oracle DB
* [ECA-777] - External OCSP health check not working

3.5.5, 2008-02-29
New Feature
* [ECA-718] - Add Approval option for activation of CAToken

* [ECA-719] - Add support for the fields PostalCode and BusinessCategory, now natively supported by BouncyCastle.

* [ECA-736] - LDAPPublisher initialized the fakeCRL incorrectly

Posted by Tomas Gustavsson 2008-05-02

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