There is no such one-step search in WS. You have to go two steps. You can do:
1. getCertificate(String certSNinHex, String issuerDN)
2. findUser(UserMatch usermatch)
Where you get the input to usermatch from the certificate.
Hi @Tomas
Yes, i've thought about that way.
But my concern is by using certificate information to retrieve ủser, which property that i use to ensure my user is unique
For example, common name can be duplicated by ejbaca
There is no such one-step search in WS. You have to go two steps. You can do:
1. getCertificate(String certSNinHex, String issuerDN)
2. findUser(UserMatch usermatch)
Where you get the input to usermatch from the certificate.
Hi there,
I'm using EJBCA WS for my application.
The question is, can I retrieve the end entity object or UserDataVOWS from my certificate's serial number?
I see on the admin web, we can search end entity by cert sn in HEX. But there is no method equivalent in EJBCA WS
Am I missing something?
This is the api docs for EJBCA WS
There is no such one-step search in WS. You have to go two steps. You can do:
1. getCertificate(String certSNinHex, String issuerDN)
2. findUser(UserMatch usermatch)
Where you get the input to usermatch from the certificate.
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Hi @Tomas
Yes, i've thought about that way.
But my concern is by using certificate information to retrieve ủser, which property that i use to ensure my user is unique
For example, common name can be duplicated by ejbaca
Best regards!
Tải Outlook for iOS
Từ: Tomas Gustavsson
Đã gửi: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 12:50:01 PM
Đến: [ejbca:discussion]
Chủ đề: [ejbca:discussion] Retrieve UserData from certificate
There is no such one-step search in WS. You have to go two steps. You can do:
1. getCertificate(String certSNinHex, String issuerDN)
2. findUser(UserMatch usermatch)
Where you get the input to usermatch from the certificate.
Save time and money with an Enterprise support subscription. Please see for more information.
Retrieve UserData from certificate
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