

Bartek Grychtol

EIDORS (electrical impedance and diffuse optical tomography reconstruction software) provides software, algorithms and reference data for image reconstruction and modelling.

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  • monzurul islam

    monzurul islam - 2018-08-10

    Dear All,

    I am working with Eidors for EIT reconstruction of plant tissue. About the stimulation and measurement protocol, i have some confusions. The way my prototype works:

    Total number of electrodes: 8 in a circle,

    The anodes and cathodes for current injecction and measurement are same. (i.e called two electrode method ). So,

    The cathode-anode pattern (for both Current injection and measurement ):
    (1,1) ,(1,2), (1,3)...........(1,8),

    To my understanding, my stimulation and measurement protocol is different from the default ones ({ad},{mono},{op},..) in eidors.
    My question is how should i set the parameters stim_pattern and meas_pattern in eidors imdl.
    Your suggestions will be much appriciated. Thank you in advance.

    Grad student(University of Saskatchewan).

  • Jesus Nava

    Jesus Nava - 2020-04-17

    Hello everyone, I need help with my project, I have designed a data acquisition system using the AD5933 chip from the company analog devices, the system obtains data from 16 electrodes in a circular ring phantom and multiplexes the measurement around the phantom to obtain a total of 104 non-redundant measurements, that is, I measure between electrode 1 and 3, 1 and 4, ....., 1 and 16, 2 and 4, ...... 2 and 16, thus until reaching electrode 13 and 16, according to the data sheet of the AD933 chip, it measures the impedance between two terminals, injects voltage in the medium and applies a fast fourier transform to obtain an impedance as such in a polar or rectangular shape ( magnitude and phase), now I want to reconstruct the 2d image with the eidors program but is it possible? Since I have only seen examples where they use the method of current injection and voltage measurements, I saw an article where they use the same chip and reconstruct the image with the same software but they do not say anything about how it is done.

    So far, I have modified examples by entering my obtained data (104) into the examples, I have adapted my data matrices to 256 elements by filling in the restates with 0, I have obtained images but apparently they do not have coherence, I thought that by using the method of mono acquisition in the mk_stim_patterns function would get something, however I thought that maybe eidors cannot rebuild my data by the method I used to acquire it,
    This is one of the codes that I have used, the others are similar only with some variations:

    run / path / to / eidors / startup
    load ('data.mat')
    imdl = mk_common_model ('c2c', 16);
    options = {'no_redundant'};
    [stim, meas_select] = mk_stim_patterns (16.1, '{mono}', '{mono}', options, 1);
    imdl.fwd_model.stimulation = stim;
    imdl.fwd_model.meas_select = meas_select
    img = inv_solve (imdl, agua_2v_100kHz_104M_MAG_modif, tube_cobre_centro_2v_100kHz_104M_Mag_modif);
    show_slices (img);

    I hope you can help me, thanks.


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