

Dr. Ghalib A. Shah

Sheeraz Akhtar Daily Activity


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  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-12

    11 Feb, 2014

    I have done a survey on power saving methods of 802.11 and the effect if they are modified a little bit i.e. not much modification required to the standard.

    Lessons learned are:
    1. Legacy-PSM mode is not feasible for continuous traffic i.e. real-time multimedia
    2. U-APSD mode (in 802.11e) reduces delay and energy consumption as compared to PSM.
    3. Separate packet transmission reduces delay, however is not energy efficient.
    4. Frame aggregation is very helpful but delay bound should be known a priory.
    5. End user's quality requirement and network conditions must be considered while choosing between PSM or U-APSD or frame aggregation threshold.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-12

    12 Feb, 2014

    Continued exploring power saving methods of 802.11...

    Found the following key parameters to be exploitable for achieving enhanced energy efficiency as compared to the standard approach:
    PHY Data Rate, Delay Bound, Battery Power level, Inter-Frame priority, Frame Aggregation Threshold.

    Using one or more of these parameters, an enhanced energy saving protocol can be developed on top of PSM or U-APSD. This will be my next task...

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-13

    13 Feb, 2014

    Based on the literature survey about power saving mechanisms and the exploration of the key exploitable parameters, a power saving algorithm is designed on top of U-APSD.

    Currently, the algorithm is in draft form (textual form) and after designing other three algorithms (as planned), all of these will be put together in a technical form.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-14

    14 Feb, 2014

    Attended the talk by Dr. Hassan Jaleel.

    Gone through the following two surveys to identify available options for our 2nd algorithm:

    Martin Kennedy, Adlen Ksentini, Yassine Hadjadj Aoul, and Gabriel-Miro Muntean. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 15(2):768-786 (2013).

    Tsao, Shiao-Li, and Chung-Huei Huang. "A survey of energy efficient MAC protocols for IEEE 802.11 WLAN." Computer Communications 34.(1):54-67 (2011).

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-17

    17 Feb, 2014

    Read the following report and the research papers and explore the cited papers therein.

    Lesson: It seems that after employing a power save mechanism, there is not much room for overhead reduction.

    Palacios, Raúl, et al. "An energy-efficient MAC protocol for infrastructure WLAN based on modified PCF/DCF access schemes using a bidirectional data packet exchange." Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2012 IEEE 17th International Workshop on. IEEE, 2012.

    Palacios, Raul, et al. "An energy-efficient point coordination function using bidirectional transmissions of fixed duration for infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLANs." Communications (ICC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-19

    18 Feb, 2014

    converted my IoT report in latex [pdf attached]

    read the following paper and gone through relevant papers who cited this paper

    Chen, Jyh-Cheng, and Kai-Wen Cheng. "EDCA/CA: Enhancement of IEEE 802.11 e EDCA by contention adaption for energy efficiency." Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 7.8 (2008): 2866-2870.

    Pérez-Costa, Xavier, and Daniel Camps-Mur. "AU-APSD: adaptive IEEE 802.11 e unscheduled automatic power save delivery." Communications, 2006. ICC'06. IEEE International Conference on. Vol. 5. IEEE, 2006.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-19

    19 Feb, 2014

    Done a survey and explored PSMP mechanism of 802.11n and its scope for our application.

    Pondered on how to schedule or enable communication between FFD and RFD, figured out some techniques but not sure yet which one is most feasible.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-20

    20 Feb, 2014

    Read in detail the PSMP mechanism from the 802.11n standard document.

    started composing the algorithm and literature into a report form.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-21

    21 Feb, 2014

    Continued writing the report about the power saving algorithm for 802.11.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-24

    24 Feb, 2014

    Continued writing the report about the power saving algorithm for 802.11.


    Last edit: Sheeraz 2014-02-26
  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-26

    25 Feb, 2014

    Continued writing the report about the power saving algorithm for 802.11.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-02-26

    26 Feb, 2014

    COMPLETED writing the report about the power saving algorithm for 802.11.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-03

    27th and 28th Feb, 2014

    Wrote report on Energy Efficient Network Configuration.
    Assisted in the integration and formulation of the Final Report.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-03

    3rd Mar, 2014

    Worked on cognitive radio network simulator design in MatLab.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-04

    4th Mar, 2014

    Simulator design for cognitive radio networks in MatLab.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-05

    5th Mar, 2014

    Improved the simulator design. Read the cognitive radio networks paper.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-06

    6th Mar, 2014

    Continued reading cognitive radio networks paper.
    Updated network configuration section of the final report.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-07

    7th Mar, 2014

    Completed reading the cognitive radio paper, will work on its implementation now.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-12

    10th Mar, 2014

    Worked towards the implementation of the cognitive radio paper.


    Last edit: Sheeraz 2014-03-12
  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-12

    11th Mar, 2014

    Read our IoM survey paper and had a meeting with team on it.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-12

    12th Mar, 2014

    Meeting with team regarding the content to be included in IoM survey.
    Exploring WMSNs and IoT architecture.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-13

    13th Mar, 2014

    Continued exploring IoT system-level and service-level perspective.
    Had a meeting with the team to plan the way forward for the IoM survey paper.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-17

    17th Mar, 2014

    Working on IoM survey, exploring survey papers as directed by team lead.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-18

    18th Mar, 2014

    Read the following papers:

    Akyildiz, Ian F., Tommaso Melodia, and Kaushik R. Chowdury. "Wireless multimedia sensor networks: A survey." Wireless Communications, IEEE 14.6 (2007): 32-39.

    Ye, Yun, Song Ci, A. Katsaggelos, Y. A. N. W. E. I. Liu, and Y. Qian. "Wireless Video Surveillance: A Survey." 1-1.

  • Sheeraz

    Sheeraz - 2014-03-19

    19th Mar, 2014

    Reading this comprehensive survey on WMSNs:

    Almalkawi, I. T., Zapata, M. G., Al-Karaki, J. N., Morillo-Pozo, J., Almalkawi, I. T., Zapata, M. G., ... & Morillo-Pozo, J. (2010). Wireless multimedia sensor networks: current trends and future directions. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 10(7), 6662.

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