

Dr. Ghalib A. Shah

Ibaad ul Rehman


  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-02-12

    Garcia-Saavedra, Andres, Pablo Serrano, Albert Banchs, and Giuseppe Bianchi. "Energy consumption anatomy of 802.11 devices and its implication on modeling and design." In Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologies, pp. 169-180. ACM, 2012.

    The main difference:

    Measures the energy consumption in passing the data across the layers and consumed by different elements rather than just measuring it at the interface like the body of literature presented in the last presentation

    Rantala, Enrico, Arto Karppanen, Seppo Granlund, and Pasi Sarolahti. "Modeling energy efficiency in wireless internet communication." In Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Networking, systems, and applications for mobile handhelds, pp. 67-68. ACM, 2009.

    An energy measurement setup which measures energy consumption by two components: Radio modem ASIC and power amplifier.

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-02-13

    Read the Transactions paper titled "Modeling Energy Consumption of Data
    Transmission over Wi-Fi" partially. It was recently published in Transaction on Mobile Computing. Will complete the paper tomorrow and start writing the report.

    This paper classifies the power models and itself tries to model work-load driven power models; it builds power state machines by correlating changes in the packet traces to physically measured changes in power levels.

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-02-27

    27th Feb - Integration, restructuring, modification of the final report for Q1

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-02-28

    28th Feb - Completion and submission of the report for Q1

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-03-04

    3rd and 4th March - Working on this paper transactions paper

    "Energy-Constrained Modulation Optimization"

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-03-06

    6th March - Video encoding with a simplified encoder i.e. complexity shifted to the decoder

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-03-07

    7th March - Started working on Distributed Video Coding.
    Added a portion on DVC in the report as well

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-03-13

    10 - 11 : Review of the written survey paper

    12 - 13 : Back to the literature survey on IoTs and WMSNs ...Will continue for a few days

  • Ibaad

    Ibaad - 2014-03-26

    After literature survey I today started working on Distributed Video Coding.

    1st step: Basics of source coding.


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