
Tree [dcbd7e] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 _CMSIS 2020-01-17 Andreas Buchinger Andreas Buchinger [b46082] fill with working file set for Rowley Crosswork...
 _Device 2023-11-06 andib andib [bb97fc] Added comment
 _Drivers 2021-01-06 andib andib [a80565] Add drivers
 _EFM32lib 2023-07-13 BA BA [c8f4b0] Remove depreciated files
 _System 2023-11-06 andib andib [14ed15] Finally (hope) different project files for GG a...
 vs_EFM32lib_search 2023-11-06 andib andib [14ed15] Finally (hope) different project files for GG a...
 .gitignore 2020-01-17 Andreas Buchinger Andreas Buchinger [b46082] fill with working file set for Rowley Crosswork... 2020-01-17 Andreas Buchinger Andreas Buchinger [7fca75] added

Read Me

** EFM32 Libraries for Rowley Crossworks **

_System, _Device, _CMSIS and EFM32 library files initialy taken from Rowley Crossworks and EnergyMircro (now SiLabs).

Packed together and extended in some places (f.i. STACK_CHECK in thumb_crt0.s) to ease maintaining installation on different system.
Otherwise these files are spread in different places for different Crossworks and SiLabs versions. As usual on Windoze machines some
in user dirs others in program dirs with changing prefered location from Win version to version.