
Tree [r2] /

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File Date Author Commit
 plugins 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 GNU_GPL.txt 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 README 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy.cfg 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy.ui 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy_data.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy_data.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy_plot.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy_settings.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 efigy_settings.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 main.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r1] Importing version 0.2
 new_trace_dialog.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plot_data.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plot_marker.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plot_marker.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plugin.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plugin.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plugin_loader.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 plugin_loader.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 range.ui 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 range_dialog.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 refline.ui 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 refline_dialog.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 settings.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 settings.ui 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 settings_dialog.cpp 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 settings_dialog.h 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2
 trace.ui 2008-12-31 csdsoftware [r2] Import version 0.2

Read Me

EFIgy is a program for viewing EFI (electronic fuel injection) log files. It is designed with a
plugin architecture so that new functionality can be added without having to recompile the entire

EFIgy can be compiled and run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. This is acheived through the use of
Qt4 ( for the user interface and Qwt5 ( for the
plot widgets.

  Unzip the install file anywhere on your hard drive. The Windows version is distributed with all
  external libraries needed to run the program. Double click on efigy.exe.

  First install the Qt4 and Qwt libraries. Exactly how to do this will depend on the version of
  Linux being used. For example, for Ubuntu 8.10 run:

  $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-core
  $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui
  $ sudo apt-get install libqwt5-qt4

  Next, extract the files and run the program:

  $ tar xzf efigy-XXX.tgz
  $ cd efigy-XXX
  $ ./efigy

Mac OS X:
  I currently do not have a Mac to build binaries that are ready to run. To run on a Mac you will
  need to build from source.

1. Install the Qt and Qwt development files.
2. Extract the source files.
3. Open a command window in the soource directory.
4. Use qmake to set the location of the Qwt development files:
   > qmake -set QWT_HOME /path/to/qwt
5. Run qmake to create a Makefile
   > qmake
6. Build the application:
   > make
7. Build the plugins:
   > cd plugins
   > qmake
   > make