
Installing v3.2.14 in virtual machine

  • boldstripe

    boldstripe - 2020-03-08

    I previously installed Efax-gtk v3.2.13 and v3.2.14 on a hardware machine on Debian Buster (10) for use with my U S Robotics 5637 USB modem.

    If you don't want to build from source, the Efax-gtk version in the Debian respository (v3.2.8) did work for me, once I figured out how to filter/capture my US Robotics 5637 USB modem for the Linux virtual machine, which is set up in Settings in VirtualBox.

    This effort to build the latest version from source in a virtual machine is mostly about wanting it to have the latest and greatest version of Efax-gtk.

    I followed these steps:

    1. Install pkg-config, libtiff5-dev, gtk+-3.0, libglib2.0 using apt-get or Synaptic etc from Debian repository.
    2. Download source folder of c++-gtk-utils-2.2.19 from Sourceforge: configure, make, sudo make install (package on SourceForge)
    3. Download and install source file/folder for efax-gtk (install instructions in README)
    4. [not sure this step necessary] sudo adduser boldstripe dialout(where 'boldstripe' is the username)
    5. login to Gnome GUI with XORG (Efax-gtk v3.2.13) or Wayland (Efax-gtk 3.2.14)
    6. run sudo ldconfig
    7. launch Efax-gtk
    8. In Settings, set Serial Device: ttyACM0 (from dmesg output)
    9. delete all of string of modem parameters except initial letter 'Z' (needed for my modem to fax)

    I'm trying to repeat the 3.2.14 install on a virtual machine hosted by VirtualBox on MacOS.

    My virtual machine is MX Linux 19 which is based on Debian Buster, like the hardware machine I used successfully.

    [edit: the next problem following has now been fixed by adding 'sudo ldconfig' to instructions above; you can safely ignore the rest of this post]

    Launching Efax-gtk from the command line fails with this error:

    $ efax-gtk
    efax-gtk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    These libraries (or their aliases) appear to be in /usr/local/lib

    $ ls -l
    total 688
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Mar  5 21:39 antiX
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root    4096 Mar  5 21:39 cli-shell-utils
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  453060 Mar  7 21:15 libcxx-gtk-utils-3-2.2.a
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    1175 Mar  7 21:15
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      31 Mar  7 21:15 ->
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      31 Mar  7 21:15 ->
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  225000 Mar  7 21:15
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Mar  7 21:15 pkgconfig
    drwxrwsr-x 4 root staff   4096 Nov 17 08:47 python2.7
    drwxrwsr-x 3 root staff   4096 Oct 20 10:07 python3.7

    MX Linux uses sysvinit instead of systemd, in case that could make a difference.


    Last edit: boldstripe 2020-04-27
  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2020-03-08

    Possibly you have not run ldconfig. Possibly /usr/local/lib is not specified in /etc/ Possibly it is looking in /usr/local/lib64, or possibly the /usr/local prefix is not catered for at all. To change to /usr/local/lib64, look at the --libdir configuration option.

  • boldstripe

    boldstripe - 2020-03-08

    Thank you. That worked (or something did). I ran 'sudo ldconfig'. On its own, not very informative, but the -v option produced a lot of output. I never found out how to do a --libdir option (and it was not in 'ldconfig --help'. Anyway, not needed.

    I went through the whole ./configure, make, 'sudo make install' process on the Efax-gtk source folder again without error, and the app launches and works as expected.

    Glad to have this new version in 2020 and to have an option for MacOS! I need a virtual Linux machine anyway on my Mac for some opensource apps that don't exist or work well on MacOS, so adding Efax-gtk is a relatively small increment of effort. Perhaps someone can package it for Linux Homebrew for MacOS, but that is beyond me. Thanks for your work on this.

  • boldstripe

    boldstripe - 2020-03-08

    I can confirm that I definitely had to add 'sudo ldconfig' after 'make install' of efax-gtk, because I ran into the same problem just now installing the app on a second pure Debian Buster virtual machine. I have edited/added this step to my instructions in the first post.


    Last edit: boldstripe 2020-03-08

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