
fedora 16 64 error: c++-gtk-utils >= 1.2.7

  • PatJr

    PatJr - 2011-12-27

    I'm trying to get efax-gtk to complie on fedora 16 64bit, I tried to add the devel packages and even compiled the c++-gtk-utils from source but I still can't get past this error

    checking for c++-gtk-utils-3-2.0 >= 2.0.0… no
    checking for c++-gtk-utils-1.3 >= 1.2.7… no
    checking for c++-gtk-utils-2-2.0 >= 2.0.0… no
    checking for c++-gtk-utils-1.2 >= 1.2.7… no
    configure: error: c++-gtk-utils >= 1.2.7 or >= 2.0.0-rc1 must be installed; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
    environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them

    any tips appreciated.

    I did this on my old 32 bit laptop with fedora 16 and it's working fine. ??
    hummmm… guess I could use my laptop as a fax server with the socket???

    Pat Jr.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2011-12-28

    The latest version of efax-gtk (version 3.2.9) requires the c++-gtk-utils library.  Presumably your laptop was using an earlier version.

    You either need to install c++-gtk-utils, which you can get from , or use version 3.2.8 of efax-gtk.


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