
Cannot read tiff image

  • pscottdv

    pscottdv - 2010-03-09

    I built the rpm on Fedora 11 x86_64.  Everything seems to work except I cannot send faxes because of the following error:

    efax-0.9a: 12:39:15 Error: can't read multi-strip TIFF files
    efax-0.9a: 12:39:15 Error: missing offset to TIFF data
    efax-0.9a: 12:39:15 finished - unrecoverable error

    Does anyone have any ideas about what might be the problem?

  • pscottdv

    pscottdv - 2010-03-09

    Thanks Chris!  That would be great.  Email address is scott -*at*- 4ahomes -*dot*- com

  • pscottdv

    pscottdv - 2010-03-09

    I added your addition:


    to line 304 of efax-gtk-3.0.20/src/efax_controller.cpp and rebuilt the rpm.  Seems to work.

    Thanks again!

  • Gerald Liebling

    Gerald Liebling - 2010-12-20

    I am having the same problem with the same error messages.  Any suggestions.
    Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
    gnome 2.30.2

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2010-12-20


    You need to upgrade to version 3.2.0 or later, which contains a fix.

  • Gerald Liebling

    Gerald Liebling - 2010-12-27

    OK - I upgraded:
    Ubuntu 10.10
    Gnome 2.32.0

    And I now get a whole new bunch of error:
    efax-0.9a: opened /dev/ttyS1
    efax-0.9a: failed page /home/glieblin/Desktop/
    efax-0.9a: error: tcgetattr on fd=7 failed: Input/output error
    efax-0.9a: error: fax device write: Input/output error
    efax-0.9a: error: tcgetattr on fd=7 failed: Input/output error
    efax-0.9a: error: fax device write: Input/output error
    efax-0.9a: sync: dropping DTR
    same 4 lines again
    sync: sending escapes
    same errors again.

    Any suggestions???

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2010-12-28

    It looks as if you have not got a modem connected to the second serial port (/dev/ttyS1 is the equivalent of windows COM2), or it is not working.


  • mani subramanian

    Dear Chris,

    I have the same error message

    efax-0.9a: 15:39:39 Error: can't read multi-strip TIFF files
    efax-0.9a: 15:39:39 Error: missing offset to TIFF data
    efax-0.9a: 15:39:39 finished - unrecoverable error

    I am using ubuntu 10.04

    Thanks for working out a solution


  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2011-05-01


    You need to upgrade to version 3.2.0 or later.


  • Roger Davis

    Roger Davis - 2012-05-15

    OK, I give up.  I've been trying to sent a simple fax for about 5 hours, it's now 2:30 am. 

    I have version efax-gtk-3.0.17.  I have NO idea on how to upgrade as is advised.

    I installed the repository "ppa", but it simply shows Efax as installed, no way to upgrade.

    I tried a script someone posted somewhere, but it failed.


  • Roger Davis

    Roger Davis - 2012-05-15

    More detail…

    Error messages are:
    efax-0.9a: 02:36:41 Error: can't read multi-strip TIFF files
    efax-0.9a: 02:36:41 Error: missing offset to TIFF data
    efax-0.9a: 02:36:41 finished - unrecoverable error

  • Roger Davis

    Roger Davis - 2012-05-15

    Just to make sure - I'm trying to send a postscript file.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2012-05-15

    "OK, I give up. I've been trying to sent a simple fax for about 5 hours, it's now 2:30 am. I have version efax-gtk-3.0.17. I have NO idea on how to upgrade as is advised."

    5 hours?  What a strange thing to do.  The first thing though is to get some sleep.

    I deduce that you may be using ubuntu.  If so, and you want ubuntu support, then probably you need to ask in a ubuntu forum.  However, I notice that ubuntu provides version 3.2.6 or 3.2.8 for recent ubuntu releases.

  • Roger Davis

    Roger Davis - 2012-05-15

    I did finally get about 4 hours of sleep.

    I also tried the "get-install" of a later version, it almost killed my system.  Three reboots and a strange menu selection later, it came back to life.

    Is it not possible to to use later versions on Ubuntu 10.04 ?

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2012-05-15

    "Is it not possible to to use later versions on Ubuntu 10.04 ?"

    Sure, you can compile it yourself, or ask someone to make a package for you.

    To compile it yourself you will need c++-gtk-utils library for version 3.2.9, but not for version 3.2.8.   Basically compiling it yourself consists of './configure; make; make install'.  For more detail, the README file in the source package is very informative.  Make sure you have removed your other versions first though.

    You will need to make a compilation environment for ubuntu.  The packages you will probably need are   libgtk3-dev, autoconf, automake and libtool, which will pull in a lot of other required stuff.

    This may be beyond you, although judging by your persistence maybe not.  If it is, go on a ubuntu forum and ask someone to make a package for you.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2012-05-15

    Ah, your old version of ubuntu may not have gtk3.  In that case install libgtk2-dev instead of libgtk3-dev.  efax-gtk will compile GTK+2 or GTK+3.


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