
Updated French translation

  • tizizi

    tizizi - 2021-10-09

    Hi there,

    Attached is the completed French translation for efax-gtk. I also included the efax-gtk.desktop file with French and Turkish comments.

    I hope to be able to provide a Turkish translation soon (like next week).

    Best regards.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2021-10-09

    Thanks. I cannot extract arj files; can you forward the file with gz, lz or xz compression, or send it uncompressed? I have no idea what file attachments sourceforge accepts: if need be you can forward it to cvine @users. sourceforge. net

  • tizizi

    tizizi - 2021-10-10

    Sorry for the unusual format. Here it is again, as a tarball with xz compression. I will gladly use the FlatPak to review and improve the translations when you release a new version.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2021-10-12

    Many thanks. I have pushed the revision of the French translation and the new Turkish translation to git.

  • tizizi

    tizizi - 2022-04-09


    Recently, I managed to compile efax-gtk-3.2.15 on Fedora from the source tarball but not when I downloaded a snapshot of the git repository from SourceForge (interestingly, while Ubuntu has an older version on the repos, I couldn't compile the latest version on it because c++-gtk-utils doesn't seem to be included).

    So I wanted to ask whether you could provide a source tarball with the translations included so that I can test, review and probably fix them before the next release.

    Also, please note that your e-mail that you mentioned above returns a 550 - unknown user.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2022-04-09


    To compile from git you need to run "./" to generate the necessary configure and other files. Did you do that? If you did, can you let me know what error you are getting?

    Can you also let me know which email address failed for you?

    • tizizi

      tizizi - 2022-04-10

      I didn't know about the script, thank you. At first, I got errors like
      ./ line 6: aclocal: command not found
      ./ line 7: autoheader: command not found
      ./ line 8: automake: command not found
      ./ line 9: autoconf: command not found
      ./ line 14: ./configure: No such file or directory

      but then after installing autoconf and autotools all I had to do was to type automake --add-missing and the compilation worked like a charm, I could install the program. This allowed me to catch some typos (and a glaring copy/paste mistake) so far. I'm attaching updated translation files just in case, but I'd advise not to bother committing yet. I'll receive a phone cable in a few days, then I'll be able to send and receive faxes between my two computers to test further (one analog line, and one VoIP over cable). One thing I noticed though is that when using Turkish, the log doesn't show anything like "Opened /dev/ttyACM0" (please see the attached faxlog.log file), no idea why.

      As for the failed e-mail address, it was cvine -at- users -dot- sourceforge -dot- net.

      So thanks a lot for your help, I'll keep you updated.

    • tizizi

      tizizi - 2022-04-17


      I reviewed the translations and squashed a few more typos, the files are attached as an xz compressed tarball. Please note that the log in Turkish doesn't display many lines that are displayed when the settings are in English or in French so I would advise to take a look at that. I couldn't figure out why this is happening.

      Other than that, in case you'd need someone in order to test sending and receiving faxes, I'd be happy to help. If your e-mail address is now working, I can send my number.

      Best regards.

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2022-04-17


    Thanks. I notice that the fr.po file contains a number of UTF-8 C2A0 characters (non-breaking space) which seem to have been put there incorrectly by your editor. I can remove them programmatically using sed but I wonder if you could look at your editor settings to check that nothing else that is unknown to you is being added.

    The tr.po file looks OK as far as C2A0 is concerned but since you say some lines are not displayed in the Turkish locale perhaps you could also check that there aren't some other oddity characters being inserted in the text of tr.po: in particular you can get blank lines emitted by gettext if some of the text in a line is not valid UTF-8.

  • tizizi

    tizizi - 2022-04-17


    The non-breaking spaces are, technically speaking, a requirement in French typography so that signs like ?, !, :, ; do not get separated from words (actually, I should have used narrow non-breaking spaces but I didn't go that far). As the file was in UTF-8 I thought it would be a good idea to add them, and when compiled with this gettext file, efax-gtk seemed to work just fine. If that's a problem, I can remove them easily and reattach a new file.

    As for Turkish, there shouldn't be odd characters as poedit doesn't add them. Also, both files seem to be valid UTF-8 files (converting back from ISO to UTF-8 with iconv shows no errors, and the files are identical to the original ones). So this leaves open the question of why some lines aren't shown when the language setting is Turkish.

    • Chris Vine

      Chris Vine - 2022-04-18

      OK, I understand. I have committed the revised translations to git. The Turkish translation seems to work OK for me.

      I am not sure what is wrong with the sourceforge mail system; I'll see if I can get it fixed.

      Many thanks.

      • tizizi

        tizizi - 2022-07-20


        I was browsing the discussion boards because I had the same problem mentioned on and your work around consisting of pressing the print button and then choosing "Preview" was really helpful. I would suggest adding it to the help section of efax-gtk, so that users won't wrongly think outgoing faxes are of poor resolution/quality.

        Also, after using the program for some time I spotted a few typos in the French translation. Nothing important really, but when you have some time you may want to commit the attached translation.

        Best regards.


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