
Combining tiff pages into single tiff file

Frank K
  • Frank K

    Frank K - 2010-07-20

    Hello Chris, List!
    This inquiry is only tangential to efax-gtk because it receives fax pages as individual tiff files. With gv, efax-gtk can display and print the fax pages as tho they were in a single file. If I wanted to email the received fax as a single tiff file attachment, I have to use XP document imaging.
    I would like to know how to merge individual tiff files with my Linux opensuse 11.2. I think gv can do this, but I don't know the magic to make it happen. My distro manpage for gv, like the gs manpage makes no mention of tiff.
    Please someone enlighten me if you know how to do this on Linux! Heboland

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2010-07-21

    You could try using efix (see 'man efix') with tiff as the output, and redirecting output to your single file: something like 'efix -otiffraw  > file.tiff'

    I don't know whether it works or not, but it should do so.

  • Frank K

    Frank K - 2010-07-22

    Thanks for the suggestion, Chris!
    What I see in the efix manpage is that it won't create a multipage tiff file. This is specifically mentioned as a "feature". Efix is new to me, but it apparently can scale and shift tiff files so they can be superimposed on to a single page.

    Would you show the invocation you use to get gv to display all the pages of a received fax? If I try to do this manually, gv will not open a tiff file. gv can probably print to a file so at least I could get all the fax pages into a single ps file. Heboland

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2010-07-23

    To convert the files to postscript, efax-gtk does the equivalent this for an A4 page size:

    efix-0.9a -v -r300 -ops -p210x297mm  >

    There is a bit more to it than that if page shrink is invoked.


  • Frank K

    Frank K - 2010-07-25

    Thanks Chris,
    Your invocation showed me I had efix installed. Now I have an efix link that points to efix-0.9a! What you showed works when I replaced  with *.tif. One thing that surprised me was the efix output seems to default to postscript, but my manpage shows the default to be tiffg3.
    My okular displays the PS file with all the tiff pages shown. If I use XP & Document Imaging to combine the tiff pages into a multi-page tiff file, okular complains about tags, tho it will display the result.
    If I use the -o tiffg3 efix option and create a file.tif, Document Imaging won't open it.
    I think this is enough attention on this subject. efix can get me a single PS file which I can convert into PDF if necessary. Heboland

  • charlie6

    charlie6 - 2010-08-31

    Hi Chris,
    I enjoy daily using efax-gtk 3.0.16 on puppy linux since about 1 year ! many thanks !

    When receiving a fax from third parties efax often receives the same copy four times (i.e. the same fax copy is
    received  a first time and afterwards again received 3 times !).

    I suspect the emitter to receive some signal from efax at first reception which leads the emitter to resend the copy 3 more times (see line 3 to 5 in following log: «Warning: reception errors» ). I even phoned and asked the emitter's employee to check his desk-fax. This occurs about in 75% of received faxes.

    Here is the log file at first when the fax is received at first time:
    begin code
    ** 0949 GMT-1 23 aoû 2010 **

    efax-0.9a: lun 23 aoû 2010 09:59:01 GMT-1 activity detected
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:14 fax call answered
    efax-0.9a: lun 23 aoû 2010 09:59:46 GMT-1 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:22 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:58 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:35 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:14 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:14 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:19 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:45 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:55 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:55 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:21 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:31 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:31 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:57 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:08 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:08 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:33 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:39 finished - success
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:39 opened /dev/ttyS0
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:40 using OLITEC Self Memory V92 ReadyOLITECV90 in class 2
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:40 waiting for activity

    ** 1004 GMT-1 23 aoû 2010 **
    end code

    This does not happen when using the faxmodem on its GUI running on windows.

    Any suggestion to fix this?

    Thanks for any answer.
    Cheers, Charlie

  • charlie6

    charlie6 - 2010-08-31

    Hi Chris,
    I enjoy daily using efax-gtk 3.0.16 on puppy linux since about 1 year ! many thanks !

    When receiving a fax from third parties efax often receives the same copy four times (i.e. the same fax copy is
    received  a first time and afterwards again received 3 times !).

    I suspect the emitter to receive some signal from efax at first reception which leads the emitter to resend the copy 3 more times (see line 3 to 5 in following log: «Warning: reception errors» ). I even phoned and asked the emitter's employee to check his desk-fax. This occurs about in 75% of received faxes.

    Here is the log file at first when the fax is received at first time:
    begin code
    ** 0949 GMT-1 23 aoû 2010 **

    efax-0.9a: lun 23 aoû 2010 09:59:01 GMT-1 activity detected
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:14 fax call answered
    efax-0.9a: lun 23 aoû 2010 09:59:46 GMT-1 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:22 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:58 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:35 Warning: reception errors
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:14 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:14 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:19 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:45 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:55 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 09:59:55 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:21 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:31 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:31 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 10:00:57 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:08 remote ID ->  "       +32 2 2521179"
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:08 session  98lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:33 received 1146 lines with 0 errors
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:39 finished - success
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:39 opened /dev/ttyS0
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:40 using OLITEC Self Memory V92 ReadyOLITECV90 in class 2
    efax-0.9a: 10:01:40 waiting for activity

    ** 1004 GMT-1 23 aoû 2010 **
    end code

    This does not happen when using the faxmodem on its GUI running on windows.

    Any suggestion to fix this?

    Thanks for any answer.
    Cheers, Charlie

  • Chris Vine

    Chris Vine - 2010-08-31

    It looks as if something is mildly amiss with how your modem receives faxes when in Class 2 mode.  Probably your windows program requires it to use Class 1 mode: you can do the same with efax-gtk by going to Settings->Modem->Modem Class and picking Class 1.  If the modem doesn't support Class 1 mode, it will soon tell you.



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