
Eclipse Eiffel Development Tools (EDT) / News: Recent posts

EDT Version 0.1.0 is released!

The first release of the Eiffel Development Tools (EDT) is now available for download.

This release mainly focuses on text- and navigation infrastructure.

It features a powerful and highly customizable source editor with support for content assist, code templates, autocompletion, code colding, semantic highlighting, spell checking, automatic task management and much more.

Eiffel projects can now be navigated by the Cluster Explorer, a workspace navigator specifically tailored to Eiffel workspaces. It features an intelligent filtering system which allows to hide any undesired workspace resources.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-07-21

Upcoming Release 0.1.0 of EDT

Sometime during the next two weeks we will release version 0.1.0 of the Eiffel Development Tools.

Any help in testing would be greatly appreciated. A prerelease version can be checked out from the repository.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-07-16

EDT goes to EclipseCon 2005!

The Eiffel Development Tools (EDT) are going to be presented at EclipseCon 2005 in Burlingame, CA on February 28th. Attendees of the conference are welcome to drop by at the poster session on Thursday Evening in the Hyatt Regency Exhibition Hall.
See you there!

Posted by Anonymous 2005-02-22

New Screenshots

Screenshots showing the Eclipse Eiffel Development Tools in action are now online!

Posted by Anonymous 2004-12-21