
Edif to KiCad translator / News: Recent posts


This release imports multi-page EDIF files
exported from OrCad and creates a top level
schematic with each page referenced as a sheet
symbols, including libraries, project file. better
symbol references and a usable netlist out of EEschema.
This release can also import a standalone EDIF library
export of schematic symbols. KiCad treats the combined schematic
as flat, not requiring port symbols or top level wiring.... read more

Posted by Frank Bennett 2008-04-01


Usable Release.

This release produces a project file with
libraries referenced in the EDIF input file,
fairly good schematics, replaces the XTIE or
JUNCTION symbols with KiCad connections and
generally produces a usable netlist out of EEschema.

Ready for user testing and feedback.

Posted by Frank Bennett 2007-12-22


This release is able to parse OrCad EDIF output,
write library files and a schematic file for
import into KiCad EEschema.

With a few symbol library edits for pin Up/Down
EEschema should be able to give a pretty good
display and produce a netlist.

Posted by Frank Bennett 2007-10-24

Initial release

edif2kicad contains an EDIF parser that can read
EDIF files (such as OrCad output) and generate
a netlist for import into KiCad - cvPCB, netlist
to PCB program. Future releases will be able
to import a complete schematic to KiCad EEschema.

Posted by Frank Bennett 2007-09-28