

M. Damian Mulligan

Welcome to EDE!

EDE has 3 goals:

  • Lightweight: EDE has no third-party libraries, no unneeded features, no mess of files. EDE can be deployed to any machine that supports the Java VM with minimal hassle, including web-based applets.
  • Powerful: Every component of EDE is designed to be replaced by custom code. You are in no way bound by the features or components provided by the developers. Need custom rendering? Program it. Custom audio or input? Program it.
  • User friendly: Anyone can learn the basics of Java and then use EDE to make a game. Everything you need is already provided and clearly documented.

EDE is currently in Pre-Alpha.

This wiki will grow over time to provide a wealth of resources including tutorials, samples, documentation, and whatever else is needed. For now, please see:

For new developers, please check out the following: