
eConf / News: Recent posts

eConf 0.3 on its way

Work on eConf has restarted. Refactoring and cleanup of base code will be done, together with an integration with the maven project.

If you want to participate, feel free to leave us a message in the forums.

As from 0.3 eConf will be published using the LGPL license

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2004-09-28

presentation @SMIL Europe 2003 available

The slides of the presentation @ SMIL 2003 are available at the following url :

The archive of the recorded presentation by eConf is available as well :

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2003-02-15

eConf at SMIL 2003

eConf will be presented at the SMIL european conference in Paris (02/14/2003)

Hope to hear from you there

The recording of the presentation will be available in the website as soon as possible


Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2003-01-25

eConf 0.2a is available

eConf isn't BETA anymore. Nothing really new in this release. Introduction of Jakarta log4j, XML and Xpath management. New developments soon (user interface, recovery, integrations with new players, ...) If you have ideas, please share !!

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-10-12

econf Presentation in French available

a presentation of eConf has been made at the Linux Installation Party (LIP) this saturday 04/20/2002.

It is in french and only slides are available for the moment. For technical reason we have not been able to record it (microphone was missing :(

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-04-21

eConf 0.2 is on its way

eConf 0.2 will be released soon. New features include:

- new FTP client
- new Logging system based on Log4j
- ant integration
- some bug fixes

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-04-01

CVS repository is up

The CVS repository is up. eConf is using apache ant for the build process.

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-03-20

eConf for linux is available

A linux version of eConf is available for download. This has been tested on RedHat linux. Just unzip the release and lauch the install script in the root directory.

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-02-28

The web site is up

eConf has now a web site

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-02-27

eConf 0.1a beta is available

This new version introduces minor features and fix some problems with the installation procedure. Next minor release will be released a jar files

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-02-27

eConf 0.1 beta available


eConf beta is available for windows platforms. It will be available for the linux environment very soon. Please contact us if you have a problem using eConf

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-02-23


Welcome to the eConf homepage on sourceforge. A beta release of eConf will be available soon.

Posted by Stephane Nicoll 2002-02-10