

Bhagvan Kommadi

The social engine is a part of the solution. Social store, social shopping and social genome are the engine capabilities. Social genome features are related to people/product/topic/ place/ event associations. People are associated with friends and followers. Product will be correlated to the other products. Product availability is associated with the place. Place and the events happening at that place are associated.

The following sources were used:

  • CNN
  • BBC
  • FoxNews
  • ABCNews
  • NYTimes
  • Slate
  • Quartz
  • USA Today
  • Time
  • Washington Post
  • Yahoo
  • Guardian

The following political personalities in U.S. Election were searched for:

“Clinton”,“Sanders","Trump", “Cruz”,"Rubio", “Bush", “Democrat”,”Republican”,”Carson","Kasich","Hillary","Bernie"

Below is the sentimental analysis of U.S. Election news:

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