
EcoLab / News: Recent posts

Source repository web page fixed

There was a problem recent with the source code repository mirror on SourceForge which lead to corrupt tarballs being delivered. This has now been fixed.

Posted by High Performance Coder 2012-12-07

EcoLab 5 released

I have just released Ecolab 5.D1. This is a major version change in
that the API has changed in a few siginificant ways.

Classdesc 3 (also just released) has a number of improvements,
including changing the descriptor signature, better support for
descriptor access to private members, improved polymorphism support,
improved reflection support of functionals (determining arity and
types of functions via metaprogramming techniques) and two new
descriptors supporting Java integration and JSON serialisation.... read more

Posted by High Performance Coder 2010-11-19

New Graph Library

A new Graph library is being added, with import/export features to/from Pajek and LGL. It is compatible with the Boost graph algorithm library. It can be used within EcoLab to visualise small graphs using GraphViz (see netgraph command). Also contained in the library are graph generators for Erdos-Renyi random graphs, and Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment process. Finally, a new version of network complexity is included. Details will be released soon in a full paper and file release. In the meantime, sneak previews are available in the source repository

Posted by High Performance Coder 2009-02-22