
Tree [435fb2] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .github 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [435fb2] feat:First version.
 R 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [96cf12] fix: better names
 flexdashboards 2020-05-19 antonocube antonocube [a8e44d] Better code.
 man 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [87839a] docs: Better default argument value.
 notebooks 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [c481c5] docs: Cleaner sensitivity demo.
 org 2020-05-25 antonocube antonocube [08066e] Minor update.
 tests 2020-05-26 antonocube antonocube [345113] Tests for model ID addition and new rates addit...
 vignettes 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [c9d0eb] docs: Better references.
 .Rbuildignore 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [08cfe9] Update
 .gitignore 2020-04-14 antonocube antonocube [f5a255] Restoring to default settings. for vignetter bu...
 .travis.yaml 2020-05-28 antonocube antonocube [97d2b5] First version
 DESCRIPTION 2021-01-31 antonocube antonocube [5436aa] Better monad name.
 ECMMon-R.Rproj 2020-04-09 antonocube antonocube [1c9b8f] First version. Moved from
 LICENSE 2020-04-09 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [9993dd] Initial commit
 NAMESPACE 2020-05-28 antonocube antonocube [d21a85] Added ECMMonEcho and ECMMonAddRates. 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [fb7931] Added badge.
 codecov.yml 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [6ba53a] Applied usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov"))

Read Me

Epidemiologic Compartmental Modeling Monad R package

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
Codecov test coverage


This package has implementations of epidemiologic compartmental models, [Wk1, HH1],
modified to fit better simulations of propagation of COVID-19, [Wk2].

The models implemented in this package deal with one, two, or all three of the rectangles in this diagram:


The content of the package corresponds to the Mathematica packages and notebooks referenced below.
(But there are some significant differences.)


Here is an installation command using "devtools":

devtools::install_github(repo = "antononcube/ECMMon-R")

Remark: The simulations done by the package functions rely on the R package
which in turn relies on FORTRAN code. For example, on Mac OS X the installation of gfortran is needed.


Here is a notebook that demonstrates usage of the provided objects and functions:
"Basic experiments workflow for simple epidemiological models",

The package repository has flexdashboard interfaces for the more important models.

Core models

Here are the core (single-site) models

  • SIR
    “Susceptible, Infected, Recovered” populations

  • SEIR
    “Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered” populations

  • SEI2R
    “Susceptible, Exposed, Infected two, Recovered” populations

  • SEI2HR
    “Susceptible, Exposed, Infected two, Hospitalized, Recovered” populations

  • SEI2HREcon
    “Susceptible, Exposed, Infected two, Hospitalized, Recovered” populations with Economic extensions



[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, "Compartmental models in epidemiology".

[Wl2] Wikipedia entry, "Coronavirus disease 2019".

[HH1] Herbert W. Hethcote (2000). "The Mathematics of Infectious Diseases". SIAM Review. 42 (4): 599–653. Bibcode:2000SIAMR..42..599H. doi:10.1137/s0036144500371907.

[AA1] Anton Antonov, "Coronavirus propagation modeling considerations", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

[AA2] Anton Antonov, "Basic experiments workflow for simple epidemiological models", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

[AA3] Anton Antonov, "Scaling of Epidemiology Models with Multi-site Compartments", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

Repositories, packages

[AAr1] Anton Antonov, Coronavirus propagation dynamics project, (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

[AAp1] Anton Antonov, "Epidemiology models Mathematica package", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, "Epidemiology models modifications Mathematica package", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

[AAp3] Anton Antonov, "Epidemiology modeling visualization functions Mathematica package", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.

[AAp4] Anton Antonov, "System dynamics interactive interfaces functions Mathematica package", (2020), SystemModeling at GitHub.