
Eclipse System Monitor / News: Recent posts

OS Specific Extensions for Vista - Update

Unfortunately the first version of OS specific extension of Eclipse System Monitor for Vista missed the native DLL in the deployed archives. This has been fixed in the latest version. If you use Eclipse Update Manager for installation, the update will be prompted automatically. Otherwise please download the latest version (RC2) in the file download section.

Posted by sTEFANs 2009-12-27

Eclipse System Monitor Unit Tests

Unit Tests for certain functionality for Eclipse System Monitor and OS Specific Extensions are provided as separate bundles. These bundles are suffixed with ".ut" and contain source and binaries. Downloads are provided as file release and via Eclipse Update Manager URL

Posted by sTEFANs 2009-11-01

OS Specific Extension for Windows Vista

OS Specific Extension for Windows Vista suitable for Eclipse System Monitor RC1 is out now. This plugin is required to operate Eclipse System Monitor on Windows Vista machines. It can be downloaded as file release ( or using Eclipse Update Manager: The bundle contains source and binaries.

Posted by sTEFANs 2009-11-01

Eclipse System Monitor 1.0.0-RC1 released

Eclipse System Monitor RC1 is out now. It can be downloaded as file release ( or using Eclipse Update Manager: The bundle contains source and binaries.

Posted by sTEFANs 2009-11-01


Eclipse System Monitor RC1 will be released the next days. For those how are already curious of what is about to approach: Documentation is already online at

Have fun!

Posted by sTEFANs 2009-10-28