
#71 Edit table from SQL Editor window


Need some dialog for edit table structure. It`s big work.
For expample it can be extended Database Detail: Columns tab.


  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2010-07-13

    This is more a feature request than a bug.
    Changig table structure on the fly is not a realy difficult thing, but was is with the data in the table.
    In many cases a table structure change implies data conversion or transfer data form deleted columns to other tables.

  • Roman V. Nikolaev

    >This is more a feature request than a bug.

    Yes. Please add category "wishlist" in admin panel.

    >Changig table structure on the fly is not a realy difficult thing, but was is with the data in the table.
    > In many cases a table structure change implies data conversion or transfer data form deleted columns to other tables.

    I think you don`t worry about that now. Just do "ALTER TABLE ...". If someone need save data then it`s his problem.

  • Davy Vanherbergen

    Changed to feature request. I'm not sure that SQL Explorer should have the ambition to become a database administration tool. This type of functionality would likely require many database specific actions too.l

  • Davy Vanherbergen

    • priority: 5 --> 1

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