
Welcome to I want to help!

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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to I want to help!

    • samyem tuladhar

      samyem tuladhar - 2006-09-01

      Sure I can lend some hand

    • Davy Vanherbergen

      Great!!! I sent you an email..

    • Nicolas Doroskevich

      Yeah! I wanna help too. If you want my CV just contact me. I'm very interested in Databases, Information Systems and Eclipse platform.

      • Davy Vanherbergen

        Great!!! I sent you an email..

    • Drew

      Drew - 2006-09-12

      I'd like to help too.  I've worked on an Eclipse RCP app and am getting more familiar with Oracle DB's.

    • andrew marsh

      andrew marsh - 2006-09-28

      Mmmm I would like to assist as well. I am using SqlExplorer as an eclipse plugin. I use it extensively. I would also like to enhance my Eclipse plugin dev skills.

    • andrew marsh

      andrew marsh - 2006-09-28

      Mmmm I would like to assist as well. I use SqlExplorer as an Eclipse plugin. I would like to enhance my Eclipse plugin skills.

    • pavanm

      pavanm - 2006-10-03

      Yes I wanna help too

    • lin lei

      lin lei - 2006-10-05

      Count me in if you have room for me.

      • Davy Vanherbergen

        Welcome on board!

    • Raphael Couto

      Raphael Couto - 2006-10-25

      I want to help. I have Sybase skills using the Sybase JDBC Driver. I already have some code using the driver and I want to contribute to enhance the SQLExplorer.

      • Davy Vanherbergen

        Welcome on board!

    • Greg Fenton

      Greg Fenton - 2006-10-26

      I am interested in giving a hand too.  Java and SQL experience from a few different RDBMSes.  Right now I'm interested in adding a few core features.

      BTW: is there a step-by-step doc on checking out the code from CVS into Eclipse, configuring and performing a build?  I've pulled it off without too much sweat, but it would be very handy to have a link or a developer's wiki or something to this effect to help newcomers get up and running quickly.  The easier it is to get started, the more likely they'll truly get involved.


    • TdrGabi

      TdrGabi - 2007-01-11

      i want to help!

    • molinescu

      molinescu - 2007-01-25

      I would like to help as well. I have been using SQL Explorer with a variety of databases.

    • FitzChivalry

      FitzChivalry - 2007-07-12

      Has anyone volunteered to help with the documentation? I'm a tech writer by day, and play at being a Java developer in my spare time. I just downloaded your plugin because I needed a tool for my new Ubuntu development environment and I didn't want to pay for a second license for Navicat. I haven't even used the Eclipse plug-in yet, but can already tell from clicking around that it is a well-developed, mature application. It would surprise me if you hadn't already had a writer take you up on the request for help. But, if you really are still in need of a writer (or a second writer), please let me know!


    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-07-16


      I'd like to help too - in particular extending the support for Oracle.  I wrote a similar Oracle SQL client in C++ several years ago that is now too long in the tooth (and in C++) to maintain - I am aware of the Oracle-specific issues already and should be able to make a good contribution.

      I've started work already; below is my first-draft todo list (I'll repost this as a new discussion thread in the developer forum when I have access):

      1. Support for XMLType

      2. Support for DBMS_OUTPUT

      3. Right-click to "Terminate Session" in the Sessions tab of Database Detail

      4. Provide an OracleQueryTokenizer to parse the text based on Oracle PL/SQL constructs BEGIN/END/CASE/etc in order to be able to break the SQL into multiple executions without needing to parse based on a separator character; although it's a pain to have to do the parsing it makes for a more natural user experience.

      5. We implemented a pre-processor styled around the old C/C++ #include and #define ideology - we find it a useful tool, and one that I'd like to propose/discuss implementing.


    • jigar shah

      jigar shah - 2007-11-02

      Add me too. I am java programmer. But experience in Plugin development. Please tell me where to start. I have raised some feature request and i would love implementing them for SQL Explorer.

    • jigar shah

      jigar shah - 2007-11-02

      correcting....@But DON'T have experience in Plugin development.
      I have done first step checked out source for SQL Explorer. Please give me some smaller task / testing so that i can understand sql explorer structure in bit details.

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-11-08

      Hi jigar_shah,

      I can recommend reading "Eclipse: Building Commercial Quality Plugins" (ISBN-13: 978-0-321-42672-7, ISBN-10: 0-321-42672-X); I hadn't done any eclipse development before this either and it's been pretty much all I've needed (except google of course;)

      As to what to get started on - that's pretty much up to you.  If you want something to get going on though, there are a couple of dialogs now which ask a question and have a checkbox for "Use my answer every time I try to XYZ in the future" but there is no preference page to reverse the effect of the checkbox.  This would be a pretty straightforward introduction and there are working examples (in net.sourceforge.sqlexplorer.preferences) to get going with.

      The one thing that's really on my mind right now (having just done a release by hand) is that we could really do with a full set of Ant build scripts that cross compile for 3.2 and 3.3, but my main todo list is:

      +. Auto-save scratch files to temporary location, and re-load them when Eclipse next starts; if an editor does not have an assigned filename, Eclipse should /not/ prompt the user to save when running code etc, instead SQLExplorer should keep the "untitled" editors auto-saved to temporary files in the workplace.
      +. Batched Scripting View, ie the ability to specify files and folders to be executed in order, with exclusions; I've already started on this but it needs a lot more work
      +. Support for XMLType and CLOBs
      +. Structured comments: override column datatypes & formats, exporting, interactive questions
      +. Exporting a result tab table to be able to re-run the query
      +. Reinstate "refresh" of result tab table
      +. Database Structure
          -. DSView caches everything it ever sees - keep the cache small
          -. Add DDL for Views
      +. DatabaseProduct to switch to Eclipse extension mechanism
      +. RCP edition to include "new/open project" and "search" menus
      +. Right-click to "Terminate Session" in the Sessions tab of Database Detail
      +. Rewrite syntax highlighting to use new QueryParser
      +. Reformatting
      +. Client based JavaScript


    • Andrii Mykhailov

      I will be happy to participate in the project.

    • Andrii Mykhailov

      I think I can help developing this tool. I'm using it in my everyday development and got a feeling that there is plenty of ways this tool can be improved and I'm willing to help with that.

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-12-12

      Hi Andrii,

      Sorry I missed your previous posting; you're absolutely right - there are *lots* of ways SQLExplorer could be improved, and it would be great to have your help.  I'm pretty much the only active contributor right now (AFAICT).  Do you have any particular thoughts on improvements or areas that you would like to work on?  FYI I have just committed a few bug fixes and tweaks to CVS, and my current mini-project is revamping Exporting (and the way the result and message tabs work). 


    • syed husain

      syed husain - 2008-02-18

      I want to help too. I'm a Java developer working on eclipse plugins. I have some experience with databases as well.

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