
Explain plan not working

  • - 2012-01-03

    Plan query is working but it doesn't display. I tested it with Oracle but I see the same code for DB2, other DBMS I didn't check.
    There is bad use of swt/jface.
    If somebode interested let me give the fix to CVS.

  • Davy Vanherbergen

    The DB2 explain plan definitely works in the latest version.  What version of eclipse and what version of sql explorer are you using?

  • - 2012-01-03

    I use Eclipse 3.7.1. I tested latest plugin version downloaded last week and CVS HEAD version which i checked out yesterday. I tested Explain plan for Oracle.
    The main error is missing use of setControl method of CTabItem class in
    There are also some extra lines - wraping to extra Composite - that can be avoided. Also changing of layout data of parent looks strange and it can be avoided. I can send working code.
    I'would also appreciate to show bytes column next to cost and cardinality.

  • Jim

    Jim - 2016-12-06

    I was able to get explain plans out of Orcle using this:

    select ...;
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);


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