
Implementing new export

  • craig

    craig - 2011-07-29

    Excellent project guys. I want to take a look at implementing a new exporter (to sql). I'm new to eclipse plugin dev and also slqexplorer dev.

    I started here and followed the Result Action example and code links etc, the tutorial appears to be for an old 3.5.0 sqlexplorer version. Do you have a newer 3.6.1 tutorial? (is this the HEAD version I have checked out?) All README.txt show '3.5.0' by the way. The newer version obviously has had a fair bit of refactoring (such as ExporterCSV etc) so the old tutorial isn't much use.

    Any tips on how to get started, basic steps to impl a 3.6.x exporter, how to incorporate my changes into my installed sql explorer in order to test etc I'd appreciate it.

    What is the process to submit a change? Do I add a tracker with basic patchset?


  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2011-07-29

    Hi Craig,

    you are right. The tutorial is from 3.5.0 and there is no newer version. You can look at change_log.txt in the sqlexplorer project for latest changes and current version info.
    First step is to checkout all projects into your eclipse workspace.
    Then try to 'Launch an Eclipse application' from the sqlexplorer/plugin.xml Overview Tab to launch SE as a plugin.
    To run the standalone product try the same from sqlexplorer_rcp/sqlexplorer_rcp.product.

    Export was completly reworked. The described extension point is not supported anymore.
    Look at net.sourceforge.sqlexplorer.sqleditor.results.export.ExportAction and net.sourceforge.sqlexplorer.sqleditor.results.export.Exporter to see how it works now. If you need some more informations contact me.

    If you have finished, add a patchset to the tracker and I will add it to CVS.

    Welcome a board and good luck.


  • craig

    craig - 2011-08-01

    Thanks for the pointers, I have an initial question about ExportAction (and let me know if you'd prefer I PM you with these types of questions or via public posts)..

    I can't see how to obtain table information including schema and table name from the ResultProvider passed into the exporter. Is this information already available within the exporter? If not, can you pls suggest the prefered approach to providing this data (eg update exporter interface?).


  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2011-08-01

    I have send you an email.

  • craig

    craig - 2011-08-02

    I haven't received an email from you, can you pls resend? thanks, craig.

  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2011-08-05

    Hi Craig,
    I tried sending an email at 1.8.2011 directly to your address and after your last post I used the sendmessage form from sourceforge. I holp you will get this mail now. There must be something wrong with sourceforge mail. I have got your mail send at 5.8.2011 at 8.8.2011. If you don't get any mail, give me an email address outside


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