
No result from sql query

Leo List
  • Leo List

    Leo List - 2011-12-06

    I've connected successfully to a mysql database (i.e. I can see the schema) from eclipse, but none of the queries return any output (i.e. select count(*) from xxxx)

    I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.


  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2011-12-09

    To run a query you have to open a SQL editor. In the editors toolbar select a database connection. This is normlay done automaticaly if you open your editor with a double click in the Connections view.
    The you can enter a query and run it by pressing Ctrl+Enter.
    There are different kinds of running queries:
    - Execute SQL (Ctrl+Enter): runs all queries (igf nothing is selected) or the selected queries
    - Execute SQL Chunk 8Alt+Ctrl+Enter): runs the current chunk, that means all sql code arround the current cursor position which is separated by a blank line on top and bottom


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