
SQLite support?

  • A_V_I

    A_V_I - 2007-01-18


    I have got SQLite DBs and I would appreciate if you include SQLite support into your plug-in. Or may be you could tell me how to deal with SQLite 3.x already?

    • Patras Vlad

      Patras Vlad - 2007-01-18

      Hi. I'm sorry to tell you but SQLExplorer can not handle SQLite databases. To handle a variety of databases, SQLExplorer uses JDBC , witch is a set of interfaces. Meaning that each database system developer must write it's implementation of JDBC in order for it's system to be used by SQLExplorer (and mutch about all java database programs). SQLite has no such implementation. I browsed the SQLite site breefly, and found the Getting Started page : it dowsn't seem to be that dificult.

      • Rob Manning

        Rob Manning - 2007-02-06
        • Kevin Lester

          Kevin Lester - 2007-07-09

          Thanks Rob!  That worked great!

          • Maxime Levesque

            Maxime Levesque - 2008-05-13

              I tried to run the
            driver for sqlite, no success, I get
              Internal connection occured during :
            Connecting to <dbName> anonymous

            I setup the classpath (of the native driver) in the
            add/edit driver dialog, and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
            in my env so it can find the native library...
            since sqlexplorer is loaded within the eclipse VM
            I cannot do it this way : -Djava.library.path=.
            but in theory it should be equivalent..
            Any clues ?

            • nh2

              nh2 - 2009-03-05

              Yes, you must not connect anonymously but as user "root" without a password.

              Done this, I have a question, too:
              Everything works great (Database Structure, Database Detail with Columns, Preview etc.) except SQL queries in the SQL Editor. When I e.g. do "select * from mytable;" the query is done correctly but i get the popup messsage (also in the "messages" tab):

              Error Executing SQL
              statement is not executing

              Why this? It works great, so there should not be an error.
              Using SQLiteJDBC v0.45.

              Thank you!

              • Heiko Hilbert

                Heiko Hilbert - 2009-03-15

                I have checked this with SQLiteJDBC v0.54. In my opinion this is a bug in the SQLite PrepStmt.getUpdateCount function. The Stmt.getUpdateCount function works well.
                The good news: we don't need a prepared statement at this point in our code and I switched to a 'normal' statement. This works for SQLite and all the other databses too.
                Ignore the error messages for the moment. Your statements are executed correctly.
                The fix will be included in the next update.

              • Heiko Hilbert

                Heiko Hilbert - 2009-03-15

                I have opened a bug report:


                Monitor this, to be informed when the fix is delivered.

                • nh2

                  nh2 - 2009-03-15

                  Great, I won't hesitate to test when it's out ;-)

    • Jan Ptacek

      Jan Ptacek - 2007-11-18

      i've started to use the odbc driver (
      with eclipse sql explorer (great stuff!)
      and 've encountered a strange behaviour

      after a sql editor query against an opened sqlite database
      a can see results rows all right, but the progress bar is still 'running query...(0%)'
      and what more cpu screams (100% used by eclipse)

      what is strange it happens with so-called-native driver, with so-called-nested driver
      and also with a completely different sqlite odbc driver (

      any ideas where is the root of this evil and how to fix it?
      best regards!

    • Maxime Levesque

      Maxime Levesque - 2008-05-13

      Ok, I set the -Djava.library.path=<the path to SQLites driver native library>
      and it worked, I sometimes get strange error messges like 'query is not running'
      after a create table, even if the table creation went fine (apparently),
      but this is probably more of a driver issue ...


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