
HELP: 3.6.1.macosx.cocoa install breaks eclip

  • rsearls

    rsearls - 2011-05-18

    I am attempting to install sqlexplorer_rcp-3.6.1.macosx.cocoa into
    Eclipse Galileo. 
      - I gunzipped sqlexplorer_rcp-3.6.1.macosx.cocoa.x86.tgz.
        which produced sqlexplorer_rcp-3.6.1.macosx.cocoa.x86.tar. 
      - In Eclipse dir I tar -xvf sqlexplorer_rcp-3.6.1.macosx.cocoa.x86.tar
        which produced dir SQLExplorer.

    Now what?    Having dir SQLExplorer is not sufficient for Eclipse to find.
                 Zipping the contents of dir SQLExplorer and unzipping them in
                 dir eclipse brakes eclipse as key files are over written.
    What is the proper procedure for this?

  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2011-05-28


    SQL Explorer is delivered in two different ways.
    One kind is a standalone RCP application which is deployed for each supported platform.
    The other kind is a platform independent plugin to be installed in an existing eclipse installation.

    That means, you have downloaded the wrong file.

    The current plugin file is which can be found here:

    The better way to install the plugin is to use the SQL Explorer update site:
    Go to Help / Install new Software…, click Add… to add the update site. After reading the update site you should be able to select SQL Explorer and follow the instructions to install it.


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