John Spackman - 2007-07-19


I've got an idea for a change to SQLExplorer that I'd like to "explore" with everyone - I would like to merge the SQLEditor and the SqlResultsView so that the resultsets are kept associated with the SQLEditor that provided the SQL code.  The editor would become split horizontally so that the text input is in the top section and the query results would be held in tabs in the bottom section; the SqlResultsView would disappear altogether

My reasoning is that:

a) if you are working with multiple editors (which we find is particularly true in a development environment) it is very easy for the number of query results windows to grow to an unmanagable number - unless you're very diligent in keeping track of which is which. 

b) if you have a long running SQL script which is running in the background, the additional result set tabs pop up and interrupt you.

c) I want to add a Messages tab that will contain error messages returned from compiling stored procedures (currently you are presented with a modal dialog, you have to write down the line/column details, and continue).  I'm implementing it so that when you select a message, the editor takes you to the problem line of code.  These messages will ONLY be relevant to the current editor.

d) Some databases (eg Oracle) support sending messages to the client outside of result sets (if it knows where to look) - these are also specific to the current editor and would go in the Messages tab

There is another Eclipse plugin which uses this layout, it's a commercial product called SQLEdge by Bay Breeze Software Inc; I think the layout is intuitive and works well - you can see it at 

What do you think?  I've already got a version of this running on my PC, so I could upload a demo to see how it looks.  I'd really like to commit this into CVS so I'll try and resolve any issues anyone can come up with.
